18 People From Aberdeen Who Are Way Funnier Than You, Sorry

    "Apparently Fifty Shades of Grey isn't a film about Aberdeen."

    1. When this person didn't hold back about shit parking.

    2. And when this driver was hilariously unimpressed.

    3. When this Aberdonian guy made a startling discovery.

    reminder that kevin smith looks like a stack of children hiding inside a coat

    4. When this student came up with an amazing hair hack.

    5. And when Lloyd's funny prank went way further than he could ever have expected.

    6. When a local farmer trolled Donald Trump.

    Someone has raised the Mexican flag on the border of Trump's wildly unpopular golf course near Aberdeen:

    7. And when the local paper was wonderfully deadpan.

    The headline of 2016 comes from Scotland's Buchan Observer: "Aberdeenshire business owner wins presidential elect… https://t.co/NMSYzXSZkI

    8. When the city's official Facebook page whipped up this great gag.

    9. When Scott came up with a perfect business name.

    10. When Mia asked the important questions.

    How do people go on nights out and not humiliate themselves and ruin their lives every time?? Asking for myself xx

    11. When Andy had the perfect comeback.

    12. When Aberdeen FC's fans were hilariously polite.

    13. When this pub's toilet sign was straight to the point.

    14. When this Aberdonian woman just DGAF.

    15. When the police started a "neep of the week" award.

    This weeks #NeepOfTheWeek goes to the #Macduff man who called 999 from his mobile to say that his mobile had been stolen! #CheckYourHand

    Such a neep.

    16. When this MSP reacted to the Big Ben "controversy".

    17. When this man was probably making a joke.

    18. And when this café's dad joke game was off the charts.

    You can read more of Inversnecky Cafe's piss-funny signs here.