The 10 Trippiest Scenes From Animated Disney Films

    Sometimes you're just in the mood for a nice wholesome movie; one that can cheer you up and leave you feeling light and happy. So, you pop a Disney animated classic into the ol' Blu-ray and whaaaaa? HOLY ACID TRIP, BATMAN...

    10. "Sing, Sweet Nightingale" - Cinderella (1950)

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    With the trippiness only lasting a few seconds, this clip barely made the cut. But brevity doesn't make much of a difference in in the long run. One minutes Cindy is cleaning the floor and singing and the next she's multiplying into psychedelic bubbles and singing in perfect harmony... with herself. If that is a thing that can be done, please teach me.

    9. "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" - The Lion King (1994)

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    Hold on. Simba just pounces and BAM... the world becomes a vivid rainbow of bright colors and bold geometric patterns!? We've got lions riding on ostriches, bouncing on giraffes, and sitting on a teetering tower of African mammals the likes of which no one has EVER seen. No one's eating one another, except the gators who have birds in their mouth. Happy birds. Who join in the song. Think about that for a moment....

    8. The Forest Scene - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

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    This is another bad trip... 1937 audiences were NOT ready for this scene, with trees growing claws, logs turning into crocodiles and glowing eyes coming from every direction. Walt was beyond brave to add a scene this creepy in the VERY FIRST fully animated film of ALL TIME. It was SO scary, theaters had to replace their seats because children were peeing in them. Yes. Really.

    7. The Pleasure Island Scene - Pinocchio (1940)

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    What. the. bleep. These kids are being boated off to a place called "Pleasure Island" where they are given free reign to break things, guzzle alcohol, brawl, gamble and... Oh yeah... SMOKE A LOT OF S**T. To be fair, they make a point of mentioning it's tobacco. But c'mon, just LOOK at this place! This is the carnival from hell and the tobacc-y had to be pretty wacky for someone to dream up this place.

    6. "Never had a Friend Like Me" - Aladdin (1993)

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    This would probably be number one on the list if it wasn't for the fact that there's a Genie involved... It's supposed to be magic so, I that makes it somewhat less shocking. Still, you might want to re-watch this and really think about it. The task of animating magic can go a lot of ways, and clearly Disney's finest chose the trippiest option...

    5. "Friends on the Other Side" - The Princess and the Frog (2009)

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    Again, this is supposed to be magic so it gets a little leeway on the trippy meter. I mean, when dealing with the subject of voodoo, naturally there's going to be some weirdness. But, what is up with the creepy smiling satanic tiki drumming and dancing? Then there's the faces on the walls that come to life and sing Tiki Room style. Check out 3:15... Those eyes! And finally, the last shot of the song is just terrifying. Instant nightmare.

    4. The Jackass Transformation Scene - Pinocchio (1940)

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    Yeah, that's right. Pinocchio is on this list TWICE. This is a baaaad trip. Real bad. You might never want to partake in psychedelic drugs again after watching a bunch of little boys transform into donkeys and then get shipped off to perform slave labor. This is probably the closest thing to human trafficking a Disney movie has ever depicted. (Warning, this clip is pretty disturbing)

    3. "Heffalumps and Woozles" - The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)

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    I understand that this is a dream sequence, but it that really supposed to make it ok? I mean, really? This is s**t is terrifying. Most of it is visually bright and happy (albeit weird as hell), but don't act like you don't hear those lyrics... "They're quick and slick and insincere. Beware, beware!" **shutters**

    2. The Whole Damn Movie - Alice In Wonderland (1951)

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    This film posed a problem for me: How do you choose just ONE scene? The whole movie is one big acid trip from the very first shroom to the very last hookah. The scene I ultimately chose for display is when Alice is ready to give up and all these freaky creatures crawl out of the woodwork. I would talk about it more but... I can't... I just can't.

    1. "Pink Elephants on Parade" - Dumbo (1941)

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    How is it that Dumbo drinks a little alcohol and has the most frightening acid trip of all time? Now, I know that the people who animated this had real cocaine in their Coca Cola as children, so perhaps that was influential? BUT SERIOUSLY. OMFG PEOPLE. THE FINAL LYRICS OF THIS SONG ARE: "Chase em away. Chase em away. I am afraid. Need your aid!" -- And don't even get me started on those visuals... That elephant man made of elephant head tromping angrily toward you? Am I right!? This is by FAR the trippiest scene in any Disney movie ever.