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25 Times Literal Children Dealt With Sexism Because That's The Society We Live In

Welp, now I'm pissed off.

Recently, we asked the women of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the first time they experienced sexism. Here are some of their responses!

Warning: Some submissions contain topics of sexual harassment.

1. "My fourth grade teacher told me that he couldn't help me with math because girls' brains weren't capable of doing math."

contestant on The Bachelor saying "Wait, what?"

2. "My teacher stopped me from playing with the Legos in class, because it was 'The Boy Legos.'"

3. "When I was in first grade, the school office had to call a parent because I was sick and needed to go home. At the time, it was much easier to contact my father during the day."

Donna saying "Excuse me" on Parks and Recreation

4. "I was regularly beat up in elementary school. The teacher and principal did nothing, telling me that I was 'being dramatic' and needed to stop 'antagonizing the boys.'"

Deborah saying "That's sexist" in Making History

5. "It’s a classic, but the teachers, from when we were 6, would ask for 'strong boys' whenever they needed something carried to another place."

Erica saying "Really dude?" on The Goldbergs

6. "The summer after first grade (I was 7), I went to Vacation Bible School. We had our picture taken, boys with a baseball bat and girls with a fairy wand. I asked to take my picture with the baseball bat instead but was told no. My expression is completely deadpan holding some ribbon wand."

girl holding plastic wand with no expression

7. "I remember my dad telling me when I was younger that women are just naturally bad drivers so I had to be more cautious than my brother driving, because I was more likely to get into an accident when I got my license."

Cher driving and looking back, grimacing

8. "In my house growing up, we didn’t talk about periods and had to hide our period products from my stepfather."

Walter on Blunt Talk saying "It's natural, it happens"

9. "I wasn’t even cognizant for it, but apparently when I was an infant, my dad’s friend came to visit and said to him, 'You’re lucky she looks like you and not your wife, otherwise I’d have to call dibs on her when she’s 18!'"

Cady looking grossed out in Mean Girls

10. "A boy in my class took it upon himself to 'explain' how basketball is scored to me. I played basketball in the local YMCA league; I was pretty clear on how the game worked."

Veronica saying, "I beg your misogynistic pardon?" on Riverdale

11. "In kindergarten, I had the best behavior that week."

Snow White being pulled by birds

12. "Asking for the Matchbox cars instead of the dolls at McDonald’s and being told that those were 'boy toys.'"

contestant on "Married at First Sight" looking annoyed

13. "In middle school, when there was construction going on across the street from us...our crossing guard noticed the workers regularly catcalling and hitting on us 13-year-olds."

Cam on Modern Family saying, "That's messed up"

14. "When I was in middle school, I used to be stalked by this boy. He’d go everywhere I was, and even when I hid in the girl’s bathroom, he’d be outside waiting for me."

Grace on Manifest saying "Just stay away"

15. "I developed earlier than some girls. In the sixth grade, the boys ganged up on me and snapped my bra straps until they broke."

girl with her head down on her desk

16. "I was 5 maybe and I had just gotten back from getting a haircut so I could donate my hair, and I was super excited, thinking I was gonna help someone."

Harley cutting her hair in Birds of Prey

17. "I wanted to play flag football with the boys at recess, but the recess monitor said girls weren't allowed to."

girl playing football

18. "At 11, I walked down the street with my father. A car passed. My father nudged me and said see, he couldn't stop looking at you. He did this when I was catcalled too."

Ilana and Abbi getting cat-called and called pretty on Broad City

19. "I was about 12 years old and my mom and I went to a home improvement store to pick out new carpet for my room. We found what we liked and told the salesman. He asked if my dad was with us, and when we told him no, he refused to put in our order."

woman pointing to carpets at carpet store

20. "I was the first grandchild, and then the next four grandchildren were boys. When we’d all get presents from grandma, they’d get scooters, Hot Wheels toy cars, and mini footballs, and I’d be given Barbies and Polly Pockets."

two girls playing with Barbies

21. "When I was like 8 or 9, I really liked Captain America and had posters and action figures all over my room."

Captain America

22. "Kindergarten, NJ 1994: We were doing a dress-up thing for future careers. I wanted to take the doctor outfit and was told by the teacher girls couldn't be doctors; only nurses."

female nurse

23. "I was 9 years old and I was at Walmart with my mom. I was in the bag/jewelry section and my mom was in the women’s. A man came over and said 'nice ass.' I ran to my mom and told her what happened. My mom went and slapped him and called security."

Gru looking shocked in Despicable Me

24. "When I was in eighth grade, I got a chance to go to the US Court of Appeals to see a case."

Stanley saying "What is wrong with you?" on The Office

25. And finally, "Anytime someone added 'for a girl' at the end of a sentence (for example, you play this video game well for a girl, or you're really smart for a girl)."

Ham shouting "you play ball like a girl" in The Sandlot

Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.