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21 Ancient Olympic Sports They Should Bring Back

Ancient Greece was a crazy place!

1. Bullying.

2. Synchronised bum slapping.

3. Pointy dancing.

4. Falling over while putting up Ikea shelves.

5. Fashion.

6. Getting really angry and deciding to do something about it.

7. Neck punching under wheat.

8. Naked regret.

9. Trying to reach the pizza from bed.

10. Flouncing.

11. Competitive rabbit-following.

12. Feeling your look.

13. Murder.

14. Sexy standing.

15. Sexy collapse.

16. Gathering in the town square and fucking up the townspeople.

17. Having a ponder.

18. Falling over on your friend while drunk.

19. Naked Nazi-pizza-getting.

20. Finger-watching.

21. Bum-judging.