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25 People Revealed Why They Silently Judge Others — Let's See If You Agree

I'll always judge people who don't use their turn signal.

Let's face it — no matter how "good" of a person you are, I bet you still silently judge other people all the time.

Well, Reddit user u/supercoliofy boldly asked members of the Reddit community to share the reasons why they silently judge people. There were some good, interesting, and controversial points made. Let's see if you agree.

1. "Not using a turn signal when driving. It's not that hard, and it's pretty arrogant not to use one."

person using their turn signal

2. "I judge people for not washing their hands after using the bathroom."

man saying "nasty!"

3. "I judge anyone who adopts a 'whatever' policy to being late. I freak out when I'm late for something, and it absolutely blows my mind when people just don't care."

Woman saying "Sorry I'm late"

4. "There's nothing I dislike more than when a husband feels like he has to act like his wife's authority while other people are around. I hate gender roles in relationships."

Joey Tribbiani saying "dude, chill"

5. "I can't stand people who don't pick up their dog's shit! You're a scumbag!"

sign that says "please be a good neighbor, clean up after your dog"

6. "Constantly posting condescending political rants on Facebook."

Amy from Big Bang Theory yelling "you shut your damn mouth"

7. "I judge people based on their parking. If you can't get within the lines the first time, it's OK to adjust."

annoyed couple in a car

8. "I'm not always silent about it, but I judge people at my local supermarket who refuse to return their shopping carts and leave them where they could roll into someone's car."

abandoned shopping cart

9. "I can't stand people who piss on the toilet seat and don't clean it."

shocked george costanza

10. "Littering. It hurts to watch. I don't see how people can litter."

April Ludgate angrily holding scissors like she wants to stab someone

11. "People who don't tip waitstaff."

Upset bill hader saying "oh come on"

12. "I judge people who constantly complain about their S.O. when they're not around. Why can't they just admit that they actually really like the person they are choosing to date?"

Gina Linetti rolling her eyes

13. "I judge people who have no knowledge of a certain topic, but still try to argue with the person who actually knows what they're talking about."

tahani al-jamil giving side eye

14. "I immediately judge you if you make fun of someone who's trying."

People dancing and a man telling someone, "you don't need to be such a dick about it"

15. "I judge people who have their phones out in a damn movie theater. We all paid the same price. I don't care if you don't want to get your money's worth — I do. I am going to yell at you, and if you don't put your phone away, I'll throw popcorn at you until you do."

woman using her phone in a dark movie theater

16. "I judge people for being involved in a multilevel marketing business (MLM). It's not that I don't appreciate people trying to better themselves; it's just that I assume they're stupid for getting involved in the first place."

woman asking "What the hell were you thinking?"

17. "I judge people who bring children to situations that are not appropriate for children."

Ron Swanson and his office destroyed by two little girls

18. "I judge people who have no awareness of their surroundings when they're out in public. It doesn't cost anything to wait your turn in a queue, hold a door open for someone, use your turn signal, or make room for others walking on the pavement. It's so selfish — it drives me mad just thinking about it."

Ann Perkins yelling "Offense! That's rude!"

19. "People who chew with their mouths open."

man violently chewing his sandwich

20. "I'll judge you for not wearing shoes in public. That shit is gross. Put your shoes on."

woman's bare feet in an aisle with her shoes on the ground

21. "I judge people who shut down those asking questions and trying to learn more."

Seth Meyers saying, "I have a lot of questions"

22. "I judge people who cross the street diagonally."

woman on her phone jaywalking across the street

23. "I judge people based on what they name their children. That human being has to walk around with that label for 80 years!"

Elon Musk saying his kid's name

24. "People walking toward you that don't put equal effort into avoiding collision. I'll move a bit, but you should do the same. You expect me to walk around you?"

Woman saying "move out of the way"

25. Finally: "I judge people who complain about politics, but choose not to vote."

Cece facepalming

What's a reason you silently judge others? Tell us in the comments! Don't worry, we won't judge you. 👀

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.