27 Red Flags That May Mean You're Dealing With A Toxic Friend

    It's a red flag if you always have to text them first.

    Friendships are some of the most incredible relationships in the world. Friends are your chosen family so it's important to keep those bonds as healthy as possible.

    Sometimes, friendships turn sour. It can be hard to spot the warning signs of an unhealthy friendship, so we asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the friendship red flags they think people need to watch out for. Here are some of the most eye-opening responses:

    Warning: Post includes mentions of panic and assault.

    1. "When they constantly gossip about your other mutual friends behind their backs. It always made me question what was being said about me when I wasn’t around."

    Ron Swanson saying, "This seems like none of our business"

    2. "If they ghost you after you made plans just because something 'better' came up. Just ask if I mind rescheduling or let me know if there's something really cool you want to do."

    woman looking down at her phone sadly

    3. "How they respond to your pain is a big indicator. I have friends who sit with me, listen, and hug me, but I’ve also had friends who change the subject back to themselves, tell you how happy they are in comparison, or say, ‘I don’t know what to say to that,' making me regret opening up in the first place. Be aware of who is there for you!"

    4. "When you get that sinking feeling of dread or anxiety whenever you see their name pop up on your phone, it's time to cut them out."

    Moira Rose checking her phone

    5. "Constantly one-upping your achievements. I'll gladly support you and your accomplishments, but give me my one second to shine and feel proud of myself."

    Woman saying, "You had to one-up that"

    6. "Not supporting your hobbies. I have friends who always make fun of me because I listen to musicals and enjoy theater, which caused me to almost have a panic attack when I had to perform in a play with them in the audience."

    7. "When a friend is always on their phone but never answers your text messages."

    hands holding a cellphone

    8. "This is more of a group thing but it’s definitely a red flag when a friend group has a hierarchy."

    group of women embracing

    9. "When you can’t discuss your own troubles with them because theirs are ALWAYS bigger."

    frustrated Lily Aldrin

    10. "When they don't respect your time."

    Angela Martin asking, "What are you doing?"

    11. "Jokingly insulting you can be a red flag. For example, saying things such as, 'Oh man, only you could do something like this!' when you mess something up isn't kind. I don't care how great the rest of the friendship is. If your friend is putting you down and making you feel like shit, it's not worth it."

    man saying, "That was embarrassing for you."

    12. "This one is maybe hyper-specific but if they 'talk the talk' about an issue they care about, make sure they 'walk the walk' too."

    pegs with arrows showing they are all connected

    13. "If they cut you out of their lives once they have a partner, but after they go through a break-up, they act like they never pushed you aside. I get that this can happen when a partner is toxic and alienating, but there are also times when it’s of the friend’s own volition."

    a woman alone at one end of a bench and a couple cuddling at the other

    14. "When you're expected to be there for them but they always have an excuse not to be there for you."

    Stevie Budd asking, "Where were you?"

    15. "When they constantly talk about themselves and never ask you how you are."

    woman asking, "So what's going on with you?"

    16. "When they borrow something of yours and either damage it, let their kids damage it, lose it, or act like you're lying when you ask for the item back."

    confused Jeff Goldblum

    17. "If your friend treats you like their own personal therapist."

    therapist laughing and shrugging

    18. "Only needing you for the negative stuff in life and being nowhere in sight when they’re doing fun things."

    Shrugging woman looking around

    19. "If they don't apologize and change their behavior once you've pointed out that it's hurtful."

    Joey Tribbiani trying to apologize

    20. "If they keep all their friendships separate from you. I get that not all friend groups or friends will mix, but keeping them completely separate is shady."

    people reaching for each other across a line

    21. "Friends who have to be the center of attention or opt to constantly give unwanted advice and opinions are not real friends. Attention-hungry friends are also always the worst behaved when they're drunk and you’ll definitely end up taking care of them."

    man saying, "Please be quiet, I'm talking now."

    22. "One-sided friendships. When it feels like you're the one always texting first or making the effort, that's a red flag."

    woman saying, "Fine, whatever"

    23. "Be aware of someone who is unable to say they're sorry."

    24. "It's not a good sign if they get jealous when you hang out with other friends. It's even worse if they then try to 'punish' you with the cold shoulder for not telling them about your plans."

    woman saying, "Jealous much?"

    25. "If they interrupt you with something completely unrelated every time you try to talk to them about an issue you're facing. It means they're not listening and don't care about what you have to say."

    girl saying, "You're not listening, obviously"

    26. "When they try to get you to team up against someone else in your group and manipulate you into thinking you also have an issue with that person."

    Lorelai Gilmore saying, "Oh those people. Master manipulators."

    27. Finally: "When they always play the victim and make every fight your fault."

    woman saying, "Don't you dare play the victim, Faye."

    Are there other friendship red flags you'd like to address? Tell us in the comments!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE, which routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search your local center here