15 Bakers Who Had The Effort But Not The Execution When Creating Their Daring Desserts

    It's the thought that counts...I guess.

    1. These cupcakes that were supposed to be Minions:

    Minion cupcakes

    2. This molten meringue:

    A burnt meringue

    3. This droopy dinosaur:

    A dinosaur cake

    4. This cookie that was supposed to be Winnie-the-Pooh:

    A cookie shaped like Winnie-the-Pooh

    5. This smiley Shrek cake:

    A Shrek cake

    6. These Cookie Monster cupcakes:

    Cookie monster cupcakes

    7. This banana bread that is missing flour:

    Burnt up banana bread

    8. This horrific hedgehog:

    A messy dessert

    9. These questionable cookies:

    Cookies that appear to be drenched in liquid

    10. This quirky little cake:

    A chocolate cake with green frogs in it

    11. These creepy cupcakes:

    Scary cupcakes

    12. This majestic Moana:

    A Moana cake

    13. This patriotic cookie cake:

    A cookie cake

    14. These emo Elmo cupcakes:

    Elmo cupcakes

    15. Finally, this crappy happy face:

    A happy face cake

    H/T: r/baking, r/shittyfoodporn, r/funny, and r/cakefails