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17 Fantastically Edible Geeky Creations

BRB, gotta go eat ALL the things. Some of these you can bake yourself while others are only for the dauntless. May the odds be ever in your flavor.

lauralouda 9 years ago

16 tatouages temporaires pour tous les indécis

Se faire un tatouage permanent, ça demande beaucoup de réflexion. Grâce à ces tatouages temporaires, plus besoin de vous prendre la tête !

lauralouda 9 years ago

16 tatuajes temporales gloriosamente alocados

Tal vez un tatuaje permanente sea un compromiso demasiado grande. Eso está bien, estos adorables tatuajes te cuidarán las espaldas. O tu brazo.

lauralouda 9 years ago

16 Gloriously Zany Temporary Tattoos

Maybe a permanent tattoo is too big of a commitment. That's okay, these adorable tats have your back. Or your arm.

lauralouda 9 years ago

The 10 Stages Of An Afternoon Nap

All too often we succumb to the sweet feeling of our head gently resting against that soft pillow...only to wake up hours later and realize how much time has passed.

lauralouda 9 years ago