24 Things You'll Only Understand If You Have A Lil' Fat Belly

    Or a FUPA, a pooch, a gunt, a puku, a food baby, whatever you want to call it.

    1. For whatever reason, you were not blessed with a flat stomach.

    2. Maybe you've always had a convex stomach, even at your very skinniest, or maybe you've been blessed with a SPB (small potbelly) later in life.

    3. Sometime's you'll think that you're actually going to try really hard to get a flat stomach, and then you see a pizza.

    4. Or you read about what it actually takes to get a flat stomach and cradle your SPB, whispering sweet nothings to it.

    5. Or you do one sit-up.

    6. You subconsciously suck in your tummy whenever you see a mirror.

    7. And you obviously hold it all in whenever anyone gets out a camera.

    8. But you also sometimes stick your tummy way out as far as you can and marvel about how pregnant you look.

    9. You're not sure whether your natural look is pregnant or somewhere between sucked in and fully preggers.

    10. You've experimented with various kinds of Spanx.

    11. You've definitely tried to commit to doing some kind of sit-up routine everyday.

    12. And you've wondered if all those weird wraps and gadgets they sell on Instagram actually work.

    13. Sometimes in the morning you could kid yourself into thinking you almost have a flat stomach, but then you eat anything and suddenly the SPB is back.

    14. When you sit down you 100% get rolls.

    15. You don't get the loads of little rolls thing that people with flat stomachs get.

    16. You get two to three proper handful rolls.

    17. Your tummy rolls could comfortably hold a pencil, or maybe a TV remote.

    18. There are many names for your small potbelly, such as FUPA, which at least sounds cute.

    19. But maybe you have your own slightly cuter name for your small potbelly.

    20. In the right dress you could maybe fool people into thinking that you have a totally flat stomach.

    21. But really, why bother fooling people anyway?

    22. Because practically no one actually has a flat stomach.

    23. And anyway there's this one bit in Pulp Fiction where this lady wishes for a potbelly.

    24. So remember: