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21 Things All Lanky People Know To Be True

Just stop with the giraffe jokes.

1. The longer your limbs, the more awkward you are.

2. You tend to stand out in a crowd.

3. You have a lot of practice in folding yourself to fit in.

4. "Looking natural" just doesn't come naturally to you.

5. Sometimes you actually forget how long your limbs really are.

#lankyproblems going to put your arm around a girl at the movie theatre and accudentaly dippin your hand in a guys nachos six seats away

6. You always have to fold up your legs awkwardly on any kind of public transport.

7. And because of your boney bum you can't ever get comfortable.

8. You are constantly playing accidental footsie with people.

9. Because of your large size, but small weight, you tend to blow away in the wind more easily.

10. Relatives are constantly trying to feed you up.

11. But just because you're lanky doesn't necessarily mean you're skinny all over.

12. A lifetime of standing out awkwardly has given you a terrible posture.

13. This graph describes every shirt you've ever bought.

14. And all of your jeans are ankle grazers.

15. If you have a bath at least half your body will be out of the water.

16. And showers aren't safe either.

17. If you're a girl you'll get called "boyish".

18. And if you're a boy you'll be told you need to "bulk up."

19. You have no problem seeing in crowds.

20. And your elbows are like weapons they're so sharp.

21. Remember: Being gangly does not mean you can't be graceful.