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Cats Playing iPad Games: Showdown

By now, we all know that humans aren't the only species that has taken a particular fancy for the Apple iPad: cats have, too. Here's some of the best feline competitors from around the world; analyzed, scored, and ultimately, a winner is declared.

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Ace & Candy
    Analysis: When these two Siberian cats try, they can really own it, but they're too lazy for most of the game and only warm up at the end.
    Score: 3/5

  • Game: Pocket Pond

    Challenger(s): Tiger
    Analysis: Sure, fishing is a pretty relaxed sport for the most part, but there's just too much aimless pawing going on here to illustrate how good Tiger really is.
    Score: 2/5

  • Game: Angry Birds

    Challenger(s): Loki
    Analysis: Not always that accurate, but Angry Birds requires the most skill of these games, not to mention that Loki's a quick-learner, who supposedly picked up the game's mechanics in just thirty minutes.
    Score: 4.25/5

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Name unknown
    Analysis: Too much circling and calculation, not enough ambition.
    Score: 1.5/5

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Female, name unknown
    Analysis: Recognizably smart and deliberate player; slow, but when she does strike, it's usually accurate.
    Score: 3/5

  • Game: Purina Friskies Games for Cats

    Challenger(s): Various
    Analysis: These cats clearly have decent skills, but it's a commercial, so the results may have been tampered with.
    Score: Disqualified

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Taz & Mel
    Analysis: This duo is definitely the most bewildered of the set, but they receive points for dedication and curiosity.
    Score: 2.5/5

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Lily
    Analysis: Lily is here representing the 'casual gamer' demographic, and damn, she does it well.
    Score: 4/5

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Siupee
    Analysis: A competitor all the way from Japan, Siupee is the most aggressive of the bunch. Unfortunately, he takes too much aim at the physical iPad and not the laser dots in the game.
    Score: 3/5

  • Game: iPad Game for Cats

    Challenger(s): Name unknown
    Analysis: This Scottish Fold from Russia crushes it. In a stunning performance, he hits almost every laser dot and takes no prisoners, either.
    Score: 4.75/5

  • WINNER! Scottish Fold, rep. Russian Federation

    WINNER! Scottish Fold, rep. Russian Federation