There’s A Makeup Brand That Makes It Look Like You Have An Actual Instagram Filter On Your Skin, So We Tried It


    Hello! We are Farrah and Lara, and like many twentysomethings in this good world, we are high-key obsessed with Instagram. Filters on our photos? YES. Huji? YES. Good lighting? YES. But then Lara saw something TRULY game-changing.

    The Instagram Algorithm Gods TARGETED Lara for a makeup product by Thrive Causemetics, which claims to act as a PHOTO FILTER FOR YOUR FACE. No apps, baby. Just pure makeup! UH, OK?!? So of course, we had to try it to see if it really worked.

    The makeup that claims to transform your face into a freakin' Instagram filter is called Filtered Effects Soft Focus HD Setting Powder and is said to contain "Blur Effect Technology" — which means it softens the look of pores and fine lines for an airbrushed effect. It's also meant to be paired with the Buildable Blur CC Cream.

    We first put on an even layer of the CC cream, then slowly added the setting powder on top. Both the cream and the powder went on pretty smoothly.

    We decided to test both indoor and outdoor lighting with this makeup, so here are our before and afters in the bright sunlight.

    And here's what it looks like in indoor, florescent lighting!

    Because Farrah thought you might want a better look — here is a SUPER close up. Her facial oil, shine, and pores are noticeable in the first picture, but the ~filter~ effects are IN-CRED-IBLE in the second!!!!

    Does this "Blur Effect Technology" actually work? We're gonna go ahead and say it's VERY much worth it. Happy grammin'!!!!