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21 Times The "Stranger Things" Kids Restored Innocence And Goodness In 2016

Protect them at all costs.

1. When they asked the important questions when the rest of the world was arguing about Steve and Jonathan:

2. Millie's reaction to trying Pop Rocks for the first time:

3. And their reactions after being told what a Furby was:

4. When they covered "Uptown Funk" at the Emmy's:

5. When Gaten Matarazzo thanked his loyal fans by posting selfies together on his Instagram:

6. And when he was blissfully oblivious to the financial side of his acting career:

7. When they weren't afraid of showing off their moves:

8. When Caleb showed us that he still enjoys the simple joy of riding bikes with his dad:

9. When Barb (aka Shannon Purser) came on Chelsea's show to surprise Dustin (aka Gaten Matarazzo) for his birthday:

10. When they discussed some ~strange things~ that happened after becoming famous.

11. When Millie eloquently supported Malala's fight for young girls education on her Instagram:

12. Their reactions when they were told the concept behind dial-up internet:

13. Millie's reaction to her first haircut transformation into Eleven:

14. When Finn hilariously clapped back on national television:

Jimmy: Alright, c'mon, can you read?

Finn: Oh, can I read?

Jimmy: Yeah, can you?

Finn: Can you host?

15. When Millie instragrammed that she hates shopping but loves being a kid (relatable TBH):

16. When Millie interviewed Stephen Colbert about joining her squad:

17. When Millie and Finn talked about their kissing scene:

18. And the reactions Gaten and Caleb, who were watching on set:

19. When when gang got together for a picture on Noah's birthday:

20. When Caleb seized the opportunity to plug Stranger Things while promo-ing for Stranger Things:

21. And finally, this group hug on set that will melt your icy heart:

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