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23 People Who Should Not Have Tweeted In 2015

"I hate people with bad high jean."

1. This person who made a solid attempt at spelling cinnamon.

2. The person who expressed these sorrowful sentiments.

3. The person who just can't resist this sweet aroma.

4. This person who must have used spell-check on his college essay.

5. This person's worst nightmare.

6. This person who is turning high fantasy into a sport.

7. This person who attempted to admit their awful luck.

8. The person who would just like some peace.

9. This person who just needed to unleash their anger.

10. The person who forgot one single, important letter.

11. The person who hasn't yet realized space is important.

After reading the Hyperbole and a Half blog over the phrase "a lot" I now picture this whenever I "alot"

12. This person who was really looking for another word.

13. The person who specifically needed to vent her rage.

14. This person who just wanted to EXPRESS her love for espresso.

15. The person who is over your lack of cleanliness.

16. The person who solidly expressed interest in aquatic mammals.

17. The person who probably wasn't hoping for a magical lunch.

18. This person's bakery-esque send off.

19. The person who probably wasn't referring to bodily fluids.

20. The person who was actually an entire nation.

21. The person who unintentionally revised these lyrics.

22. This person who just has no idea.

23. And finally, this person who actually wants something a *little* different.