9 Annoying Moments Everyone Who’s Used A Tampon Will Recognize

    Two words: cardboard applicators.

    1. Thinking you have the tampon in correctly but then walking and realizing that that bitch ain’t in good.

    2. Pulling out the tampon and having blood go flyin’.

    3. Having to shove a cardboard applicator tampon up there.

    4. Putting in a light tampon but then realizing OH BOY your body has other plans for how much blood is gonna flow.

    5. Forgetting what time you put your last tampon in and immediately panicking.

    6. Feeling a jolt of panic when you go to reach for the string and can’t immediately find it.

    7. Wondering if you have a tampon floating around in your body somewhere that you forgot about.

    8. Wearing a tampon while *dying* during your period and then seeing a tampon commercial on TV where some girl in a white dress is doing acrobatics...as if THAT'S what anyone feels like doing.

    9. And finally, taking out A DRY TAMPON.