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19 Things Every College Kid Is Thankful For This Thanksgiving Break

Give thanks for hairless showers.

1. Showers that aren't covered in strangers' hair.

2. Bathrooms that aren't shared with 20 other people.

3. Naps in an actual bed and not the library floor.

4. Any conversation that doesn't start, "So how's school going!"

5. Or "You dating anyone?"

6. Meals that are cooked in a real live kitchen and not a microwave.

7. Mornings that start peacefully and not from a 6 a.m. alarm clock.

8. Beer that doesn't come in a can.

9. Washing machines that don't require a hundred quarters to operate.

10. Being able to watch TV without feeling guilty the entire time.

11. Full days in sweatpants.

12. No one uttering the words "finals."

13. Or asking about papers you still haven't started.

14. Run-ins with old high school classmates that aren't awkward and painful.

15. Much needed snuggle time with the family pet.

16. No one puking in the hallway at 4 a.m.

17. Or crying in the bathroom in the middle of the day.

18. Or making incredible amounts of noise all night long.

19. And of course, like, family and stuff.