• holidays2016 badge

16 Questions No One Wants To Hear Over The Holidays

No, Aunt Ida, I'm not married yet.

1. "Are you seeing anyone?"

2. "What happened to that last person you were dating? We liked them!"

3. "Are you doing well in school?"

4. "Are you still at that job you hate?"

5. "So...Who'd you vote for?"

6. "How about that Trump?"

7. "What's your stance on immigration?"

8. "Is that what you're wearing?"

9. "What'd you do to your hair?"

10. "Did you gain weight?"

11. "How are you doing with money?"

12. "Have you started planning for your retirement?"

13. "When are you going to settle down?"

14. "Why aren't you married yet?"

15. "Do you think you'll ever want kids?"

16. "Wait...Did you finish all the wine?"