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25 People Who Don't Realize The Onion Isn't A Real News Source

I fear for our nation. Via literallyunbelievable.org.

1. This future adoptive parent with a heart of gold.

2. This case-cracking detective.

3. This award-winning psychiatrist.

4. Satan's worst nightmare.

5. This hopeful consumer.

6. This red flag waver.

7. This suspender of disbelief.

8. This mother of the year.

9. This future CEO of the Smart People, Inc.

10. This person with a superhuman sense of smell.

11. This devoted fan.

12. This avid supporter of Anderson Cooper.

13. This defender of decorum.

14. This "just roll with it" kind of guy.

15. This person who just discovered what a joke is.

16. This incomplete idiot.

17. This whistle-blower.

18. This jumper to conclusions.

19. The wrongest person to ever live.

20. Rose's No. 1 fan.

21. This person who isn't afraid to ask the big questions.

22. This Black Friday activist.

23. This proud horse owner.

24. Koko's only friend in the world.

25. And this accidental genius.