We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    40 Home Products So Good They Have A *Staggering* Number Of 5-Star Reviews

    Good luck *not* yelling about TikTok's cult-favorite low sodium seasoning all over town this fall.

    1. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer image of pink jar of cleaning paste

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "The Pink Stuff is definitely worth all the hype it has been receiving. I had seen it in some TikTok compilations and decided to give it a try. The very first thing I cleaned was the inside of my bathtub and wow! It really made my bathtub shine. Before I was using Kaboom, and that didn't clean as well as The Pink Stuff did. I was seriously shocked. The next thing I decided to use it on was some caked on grease on my hood vent. Just like the bathtub I was shocked that it was able to get it all off. All you do is apply the paste with a sponge or cloth to whatever you're cleaning, and then rinse it with warm water. I found with stubborn spots add a little warm water on the paste (if you have a spray bottle I'd recommend filling that with warm water and mist the paste), scrub the spot a little longer, and then rinse. It worked with no issue. I'm definitely interested in to looking at their other cleaning products. I would highly recommend giving The Pink Stuff a try yourself!" —JMURR

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    2. A Yonanas fruit soft-serve maker that magics any frozen fruit into an ice cream or sorbet texture so you can have a yummy frozen treat made to your *precise* favorite fruit combos. A lot of folks with dietary restrictions swear by this to get their ice cream kicks! 

    The black device on a table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Promising review: "I saw one of these in action at a friend's house like five years ago and thought it was just a made up memory, because making ice cream out of solely frozen fruit seems wild. But when I saw a TikTok about it I immediately went to Amazon and bought it. Literally this was the BEST decision of my life. I cannot believe still how amazing this thing is! It makes the creamiest, best tasting fruit ice cream ever. It’s easy to take apart and clean, and super easy to use." —DMCKAY

    Get it from Amazon for $36.99+ (available in six colors). 

    3. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner you can quite literally "set and forget" to maintain its cleanliness over time — once you apply it after a shower, you just have to wait eight to 12 hours and it'll quietly tackle the soap scum, grime, oils, mold, and mildew stains without any elbow grease from you.

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I have well water. Something in my well water reacts with copper plumbing and turns my shower tiles blue. Since my bathroom color scheme isn't on the blue spectrum, this is problematic. The well water also causes the shower glass to film up quickly. I've tried dozens and dozens of cleaners and scrubbed till my arms ached trying to get ahead of the blue and scumminess. My ambition in life is NOT to be a full time bathroom scrubber! I saw this stuff on a professional house cleaner's TikTok (sorry, don't remember which one) and thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a try.' Oh my goodness, the first day after my shower I sprayed this stuff all over and walked away. The next morning there was a NOTICEABLE reduction in the blue and the glass looked clearer too. Day two, sprayed again and walked away. The next morning the blue was gone except for a few spots on the floor tile and the glass looked amazing. Day three I sprayed the remaining spots and the next morning the shower practically looked new. NO SCRUBBING AT ALL!!!! This is my new favorite shower cleaner. The ONLY con I have is that it makes me sneeze while I'm spraying from inside the shower, but I can live with that." —L. J. Petillo

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98 (available in two scents). 

    4. A fast-acting ChomChom pet hair remover roller that is deeply beloved by pet owners — it's like a sticky lint roller, but specifically designed to pick up pet hair. It not only locks it in, but also stashes it inside the roller itself so you don't end up making matters worse by just shoving the hair around (instead of getting rid of it properly). 

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "My cat sheds and I saw this on TikTok and very much thought of it as an impulsive purchase at first for its price tag. But no, this is a very very necessary item in my day to day life. Does it pick up every single hair leaving everything completely hairless, not really, it can be difficult to pick up hair from difficult crevices/corners and hair that's trapped within woven fabrics/upholsteries — HOWEVER — it does a wayyy wayyy better dang job than a lint roller or other products that rival this. My mother picked up something from a competitor and it did not clean up the hair as well as this did. I keep getting these for my pet-having friends as gifts because it's truly a holy grail product. I like that it picks up human hair too because as a long hair haver I can shed about as much as my cat does. It's a durable product too, I've had mine for about a year now and it still works like it used to and it's fairly easy to clean the inside." —Connie

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two colors).  

    5. A cult-favorite luxury-scented candle with a throw so satisfying and scent profile so ~mesmerizing~ that reviewers can't stop gushing about it. If you're in the market for a signature scent for your space, look no further than this jasmine, oud, and sandalwood blend. 

    Lulu Candles is a US-based small business that specializes in scented candles and perfumes. 

    Promising review: "I was staying over at a friend's house and sitting next to her coffee table. She had this candle on the table and even though it wasn't lit I could smell it, and it was so delicious that I instantly went online to find it and bought it for myself! If this came in a perfume I would buy enough to last the rest of my life. I don't know how to even explain the scent but if you are an amber/patchouli/vanilla fan, this is absolutely for you. The jasmine adds an unbelievable freshness without a flowery scent. I even bought the shampoo and conditioner which I will probably use as more of a body wash and shaving cream but that is how desperate I am to get this scent on me! When burnt, the candle has a nice strong smell and it burns really nicely. Even though this is a little expensive it is worth every penny because I've never smelled anything like it." —Melissa I. 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in five sizes and dozens of scents). 

    6. A set of "floating" kitchen knives in an acrylic case that is, frankly, so badass that even as a person who can't cook to save their life I'm like, "Do it for the vibes." That said, reviewers really *DO* rave about these professional-quality stainless-steel blades! 

    Each set comes with 13 professional chef knives, kitchen scissors, a peeler, a two-stage stage knife sharpener, and an acrylic knife stand.

    Promising review: "I love these knives! I saw them on a TikTok and decided I had to have a set of black knives and they exceeded my expectations for sure. Super durable, and very sharp. And they aren’t an eye sore in the kitchen." —Emily S. 

    Get it from Amazon for $44.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 15%; available in a variety of styles and colors). 

    7. A decorative rainbow window film that says "yes, I want my privacy, but I also want to be extremely glamorous about it." Not only does this refract beautiful rainbows in your space, but reviewers mention that it's handy for pet owners whose dogs love to bark at things outside, and that they also used them to outfit the sunroofs of their cars to prevent glare. 

    A bedroom window covered in crystal-ish rainbow decorative film
    A reviewer showing rainbows refracting on their wall from the film

    Psst — you can read BuzzFeed's review of this decorative window film for more deets!

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this! TikTok made me buy it for my sunroof and I'm so glad I did! It's so beautiful when the sun comes through! And you get so much for the price!! If you're on the fence, buy it!!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98+ (clip the coupon on the product page to save 10%; available in 12 sizes)

    8. A ridiculously plush blanket reviewers swear compares to the $$$$ Barefoot Dreams version, matching the quality, ridiculous softness, and durability without the big ole yikes of a price tag. 

    the sage green checked blanket on a bed
    reviewer with the black and white throw blanket

    Promising review: "I saw this blanket on TikTok and I have to say I absolutely love it. I washed it several times now and it’s maintained its elasticity and softness after each wash. It’s warm enough but not too hot for a throw. Absolutely recommend this blanket!" —Amy

    Get it from Amazon for $28.99+ (clip the coupon on the product page tos ave 10%; available in 15 styles and two sizes). 

    9. A set of fast-acting Keurig cleaner pods you can simply put through a cycle on the machine to get rid of all the crusted-on grinds and residue that are *definitely* affecting the taste of your coffee, even if you haven't noticed over time.

    Promising review: "I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, lucky. I would highly recommend, keeps everything running correctly and clean." —Lauren

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    10. A six-outlet wall charger designed specifically for larger chargers that also comes equipped with two USB fast-charging ports *and* a night-light, so your WFH setup is as organized as possible.

    Reviewer turning the light on and off the charger with items plugged in
    Charger with several large plugs in it

    Promising review: "Better than any strip! Saw this on TikTok and it’s everything. Love the auto night-light feature. So versatile and compact. Worth every penny. Will be ordering more." —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98

    11. A slim magnetic stove shelf that quickly and securely fastens right on the top of your stove so you have easy, immediate access to tools and seasonings and anything you need to get your inner Food Network on while you're listening to podcasts and vibing. 

    a stove with the shelf along the top and spices sitting on it

    StoveShelf is a US-based small business that specializes in stove shelves for various sizes of stoves. 

    Check out a Tiktok of the StoveShelf in action.

    Promising review: "There was no set up...Take it out of the box and place it on the stove. The magnets are very strong keeping the shelf fixed in place. The magnets are raised allowing air flow underneath preventing the shelf from heating up. Sizing was perfect. I love it!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in three sizes and in three finishes). 

    12. A dishwasher magnet so nobody ever has to do the awkward guessing game of "what is the current status of this plate I want to eat off of." (Or worse, nobody accidentally puts a bunch of dirty dishes away. 😬)

    A person toggling between
    The magnets
    Sally Elshorafa/BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." —D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $6.39+ (available in four styles). 

    13. An EasyWring microfiber spin mop, aka the MVP of CleanTok. This mop is machine washable and has an automatic wringer so there are no hands involved, is designed to reach into deep corners for a thorough clean, and is made with a fabric so effective that — gasp — you don't even need chemical cleaners. You can just get the dirt and grime up with water. 

    Model using the foot pedal on a water basin to wring out a small mop
    O-Cedar/YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Promising review: "I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn't cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog that makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (Because it was that dirty. Please don't judge.) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren't quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97

    14. A set of silicone stove-counter gap covers so you never have to endure the five stages of "I guess I'm never seeing that knife again" grief the next time an unsuspecting piece of cutlery falls into the abyss. This is also a great way to stop crumbs from falling, and discouraging bugs and critters from having a field day with 'em. 

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. Pulled out the oven to find a horror story...got that all cleaned up (very satisfying) then put these lil' things in. They blend so well it just looks like something that should have been installed from the beginning. No more crumbs/liquids/grease getting down the sides of the oven. Once you start seeing how much is there for you to wipe up you realize just how much was falling in between!" —Stacey Deirich

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three sizes and five colors).

    15. A plush velvet vintage-inspired ottoman that'll serve not just as a sweet accent to any room, but also give you some ~sneaky storage~ to help declutter and calm your space. 

    A gold hairpin legged blush pink velvet ottoman with a removable lid
    BuzzFeed editor flipping the top of the ottoman to show the storage and the table top underneath
    Amazon, Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Another bonus? If you flip the lid over, it has a wooden base, so you can *also* use this as a teensy snack table. I recently got one of these for my new apartment to stash my candles and ~candle accessories~ in and it's pretty much become my favorite piece of furniture?? I use it to prop up my feet during work hours and sometimes if I want to eat on my couch I'll use it as a tray. It's also sturdy enough to sit on, if I ever wanted to have guests over and needed an extra chair. It was RIDICULOUSLY easy to set up — I had it done in less than 10 minutes, and probably didn't even need the directions. It also just looks so darn cute (and comes in so many colors that I'm tempted to buy another!).

    Promising review: "I was using a small foldable step stool in my bedroom to reach the top shelves of my wardrobe. But you know, those things aren’t pretty. It wasn’t bringing me joy, just begrudging utility. This ottoman brings me joy. It’s pretty, it’s lightweight so I can move it easily to use it as a step stool, and the storage capacity is perfect for things like my nightly moisturizers, my Kindle and journals, and other little miscellaneous things." —Monica N.

    Get it from Amazon for $39.98+ (available in three colors).

    16. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk from your culinary adventures in one go.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    17. A "Bread Buddy" dispenser that keeps sandwich bread fresh by ensuring it stays *way* more airtight than it does in just the bag alone, and also lets you use the bread bag in a clever way to dispense slices one by one. Tons of reviewers are noting how much longer their bread stays fresh (and how much easier it is to store without worrying about it getting smushed!). 

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    Buddeez is a family-owned, Missouri-based small business that specializes unique household products. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Buddeez sandwich bread dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone and don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $13.97 (available in two colors). 

    18. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper to make you feel like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget lets you julienne, chop, spiralize, and slice vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Fullstar is a small business established in 2017 that specializes in kitchen gadgets. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95 (available in three colors). 

    19. A tiny milk frother that makes rich, creamy froths in seconds, because why stop at regular tea and coffee when you can have velvety-soft milk tea and lattes?

    Reviewer image of white marble handheld frother on its stand
    Reviewer using the frother to frother milk in a cup

    Promising review: "So I’ll admit I got this on a whim after a TikTok video, however I’m in love with this thing! It’s so much fun to use and you make your at home drinks feel so much more special. It’s easy to use and froths pretty quickly if you’re on the fence I’d say what are you waiting for buy it already!" —Denise

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in 44 styles).

    20. A set of Wad-Free pads to ensure that your sheets stay separate from each other in the dryer and come out fresh, dry, and unwrinkled instead of looking like they got into a wet cotton brawl. 

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small business established in 2020 after the founder Cyndi Bray self-taught computer-aided design to create the pads.

    Promising review: "Skeptical, but then after the TikTok video it was featured in, I had to try it. Definitely can see how it keeps the sheets actually separated and wad-free. Nice to know the sheets are getting clean. Thanks!" —Leia S. 

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    21. A set of satin pillowcases that not only have a cooling effect, but are soft on your skin and create less friction for your hair so it won't get as tangled while you sleep.

    A model hugging a pillow with a black satin case
    The gray satin cases on pillows on a bed

    Promising review: "My hair has never been better! I got this because of TikTok and it has done wonders for my hair. My hair isn’t frizzy or dull-looking when I get up in the morning." —Aaron Key

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in 37 colors and five sizes).

    22. Bissell multipurpose carpet and upholstery cleaner with a *MAJOR* fan following of parents and pet owners — this compact, super portable powerhouse uses warm water and a special formula to make stains from grass, mud, pet accidents, food, and all your other home-related shenanigans look like they never even happened. 

    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner
    before and after pic of pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $12.99

    Promising review: "I wish I had taken photos since I was amazed at the results honestly. I bought my car about a year ago and it had stains all over the seats — I didn’t want to pay $300+ for them to be cleaned since I’m a college student so I just waited. My sister saw a TikTok video or something about this machine and while I was doubtful that it would work since some of these stains have been there for who knows how long I finally bought it cause I spilt a blue slushee over my car seats. Lo and behold I now have a car with no stains whatsoever! I wish I had gotten it sooner!! I wish I would’ve taken before and after pics but I’ll try and upload some of how it looks now at some point! But 15/10 recommend!!" —jovana montoya

    Get it from Amazon for $109.59.   

    23. A large capacity rotating makeup organizer that will basically make you feel like the Professor X of your beauty arsenal, with all your favorite products available right at the tips of your fingers. 

    Reviewer spinning the clear acrylic organizer full of products
    Reviewer image of it full of products

    Promising review: "Just another thing TikTok made me buy! The quality of the plastic is really great and I love that you can move the shelves as you see fit." —Reagan

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 5%). 

    24. cereal dispenser to *deeply* enhance your morning cereal and midnight snacking adventures — this eliminates the hassle and bulky storage of cereal boxes, *plus* keeps the contents super fresh and makes it easy to dispense exactly how much you need. Families also swear by these as an easy way for kids to grab their own snacks! 

    reviewer pic of the black cereal dispenser holding two types of cereal
    Reviewer gif of someone dispensing the cereal into a bowl

    Check out a TikTok of the cereal dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "We have three kids and a very small kitchen with very little cabinet/counter space!!! We used to keep our cereal boxes on top of our refrigerator, but I've been trying to declutter and also come up with a solution for our kids to be able to get their own cereal in the mornings. THIS IS IT!!!! It looks great on our counter, and we have very little space, so it fits just right! This has been the perfect solution to giving our kids the independence they need to get their own breakfast! It has been a lifesaver!!! Love it!!!" —tenle

    Get it from Amazon for $40.64

    25. Or a bagless, touchless stationary vacuum that'll suck the gunk on your floors right up instead of wrangling with a dustpan full of hair clumps that keep falling out or a heavy vacuum cleaner. Why lug a vacuum around when you can get the job done with a lightweight broom instead? 

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    EyeVac is a small business that specializes in vacuums for home and commercial use. 

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and knew I had to have one. I hate cleaning but get annoyed with the clumps of dog hair and bits of things on my kitchen floor. I usually just vacuum my tile with the vacuum which is a pain. This thing is so easy to just sweep things into and it sucks them right up. Sure, it's more expensive than my actual vacuum, but I've only had it three days and have used it two times." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $149 (clip the coupon on the product page to save $20; available in 11 colors).

    26. A set of sophisticated cylindrical wine glasses to elevate your Friday wine-cheese-and-Netflix nights so instantaneously that you'll feel like an extra in one of those Shows About Rich Families Who Fight All The Time. 

    A cylinder shaped stemmed clear wine glass with pink gin in it
    The glass with white wine in it

    Promising review: "I saw these wine glasses on TikTok and had to order them. They are perfect! Will be purchasing again as gifts for my friends!" —diana

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.95 (available in three styles). 

    27. A two-pack of TikTok-famous Dan-O's seasoning, a low-sodium, hecka-flavorful option for meals at home made with dried herbs, citrus, and granulated onion and garlic that reviewers love to jazz up everything from fish to beef to eggs to veggies.

    two jars of spices
    The spices on a steak and mashed potatoes and green beans

    Dan O's Seasoning is a small business established in 2017 that gained popularity after taking to TikTok during the pandemic, where the company now has 3.8 million followers with plenty of droolworthy food content.

    Promising review: "I saw this seasoning on TikTok (like most of you probably have), I didn’t believe the hype at first. I got the two pack to try. This stuff is amazing!! I love it! It is so good on everything! Can’t believe that it is low sodium because it doesn’t taste like it. I like to add the spicy Dan-O’s to a pizza with pineapple and bacon on it, turns it up to 11!!! I will be ordering more as soon as the stuff I have runs out, for sure!!" —Mike

    Get a pack of two (one original, one spicy) from Amazon for $13.98.

    28. A squishy universal cleaning putty to get into all your space's nooks and crannies, like keyboards and AC units and the vents in the back of your printer. Take THAT, Cheez-It dust. 

    Model using putty to clean keyboard

    Promising review: "This product does exactly what it says it does. I saw this product from TikTok. I was surprised at how easily it picks up dust and small debris, especially from inside of vents and cup holders. The only complaint is the very artificial smell when you use it. It doesn’t last, just when it’s out of the container!" —Loren

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    29. A set of two traceless adhesive shelves for your bathroom or kitchen that *don't* require any drilling or complicated installation other than sticking it straight to the wall. A chic and easy home fix?? Ugh, we lazy folks love to see it. 

    Promising review: "I saw these shelves on TikTok and really wanted to try them out, as I have no shelves in my shower. The adhesion is impressive — they’ve stayed sticking for the past two weeks with no sign of letting up, and are holding about four bottles of products on each of the two racks I have hanging. I thought for sure they would fall after showering or something, but they have stayed strong and held up. I’m so impressed! I’m sure I will purchase more in the future. Super duper easy to install, they look beautiful and modern, and give my bathroom a totally different vibe. It’s so nice to have a product like this available!! Thank you!" —Sara B

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in four colors). 

    30. A power scrubber brush you can attach to a DRILL (!!) that basically does all of the hard grime busting for you, so you don't have to have sore arms for a week just because you dared to wipe down the shower.

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    Useful Products is a US-based small business established in 2007 by car wash owner, electrician, and former bodybuilder Anthony LaPolla that specializes in drill-cleaning brushes and attachments. 

    Promising review: "So I kept seeing this item on TikTok and thought, 'heck, why not?' I love this item for deep cleaning, whether it's car mats, shoes, or the shower." —A. Givens

    Psst – each of the different brush colors indicates which tasks the brushes are meant for based on their bristle type, so be sure to check which one is best suited for whatever you need to for! Yellow is the “all-purpose” medium bristle, but some are softer and harder depending on what types of surfaces you’re cleaning (but none of them will scratch!). 

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six styles).

    31. A container of Museum Gel, a clear adhesive that cat owners and parents swear by — you can apply this to the bottom of glass or crystal to keep it locked in place on a surface, and it won't leave any residue behind.

    Psst — people who sell jewelry like rings and want to balance them on a surface for photos also swear by this! 

    Promising review: "Saw this on TikTok and I honestly absolutely love it. I use it to keep my drawer organizers from sliding around. This stuff is amazing and I wish I had known about it forever ago." —Abby

    Get it from Amazon for $11.46

    32. A rapid egg cooker that I am warning you right now is going to become your most meaningful relationship. It can make soft-, medium-, *and* hard-boiled eggs in addition to poaching, scrambling, and making omelets out of them. This gizmo is, like, a thousand potential brunches and meal preps in one.

    The egg machine with a transparent dome lid showing six eggs cooking in it

    I've owned one of these babies and have faithfully used it every week for upward of two years, and especially love it while working from home — it simplifies breakfast because I know no matter what assortment of groceries I'm working with, there are precooked eggs to add some protein to it (I like mine medium-boiled 🍳). If my dinner is boring or seems like it needs a little extra "oomph" to it, I'll throw in an egg from this too. Some reviews note that the alarm on it is a little loud, but the new models have significantly decreased the volume and sing a little song instead!

    Promising review: "I saw someone on TikTok with this and gasped! Ordered it right away. I had no idea these things existed. Super easy and convenient and the hard-boiled eggs came out perfectly. I’m testing a batch now without punching a hole in the eggs to see how they come out. Because why not make an easy process even easier?!?! LOL." —Gina

    Get it from Amazon for $16.14+ (available in eight colors).

    33. A drain snake you can funnel into your shower or sink drain that honestly works a little *too* well at unclogging hair, pulling it up in one (semi-horrifying) go.

    The drain snake going into a drain
    The drain snake coming out of the drain full of hair

    Promising review: "All you do is stuff it down the drain… then, one swift pull up, the hair is easily removed! Works like a dream every time. Multiple per pack so if it’s really gross I just toss the whole thing out." —Let's Stalk Plants

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $5.97+ (available in two lengths).

    34. A pumice stone that will make the inside of your toilet look brand-spanking-new, even if the rings have already thwarted your efforts with the toilet brush.

    A white pumice stone with a handle
    A before and after pic of a toilet bowl with gray rings and without them

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this. This thing literally scoured away hard-water stains that I have been trying to get rid of for years in less than 30 seconds. 10/10 recommend." —Tleary25

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (also available in multi packs).

    35. A two-stage knife sharpener, because those blades you bought back in the day?? They're probably super dull by now. Instead of replacing them with pricey versions, ~refresh~ them with this.

    Hands running a knife through the small sharpener

    Promising review: "Very sharp. I was about to buy a new set of knives until I saw this on TikTok. Works perfectly." —D'sons&Co

    Read our full review of the KitchenIQ knife sharpener for more deets.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.80.

    36. soap pump dispenser that deserves an award for Making Life A Little Bit Easier — you rest your sponge on top of it and press down and voilà! Instantly soaped-up sponge. 

    Promising review: "I first saw this on TikTok and I wanted it immediately. This makes washing dishes easier and faster. All you have to do is give it a pump or two and you’re good to go. 5/5 stars for me." —Sal

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (available in three colors).

    37. A bagel guillotine for all of your carb-slicing needs, whether you're beheading some bagels, muffins, buns, or rolls. Not only will you get perfect slices every time, but this is also muuuuch safer than a regular knife (and less embarrassing than explaining you were bested by a bagel in the emergency room). Psst — parents also love this as a much safer option for kids making their own snacks and meals! 

    The guillotine midway through slicing a bagel
    Model demonstrating a perfectly cut bagel

    Promising review: "My boyfriend can’t cut bagels. He literally butchers these poor baby bagels all up. I saw this on a TikTok and I was like oh we need that. So I bought it. And it was a good investment. Now we can enjoy nicely sliced bagels that fit in a toaster and aren’t jagged across. Yay bagel slicer!" —Ci DiPalma

    Get it from Amazon for $19.56+ (available in four colors).

    38. A cooktop and stove top cleaner kit so effective at removing scorch marks and burnt food it'll restore your kitchen back to its shiny original state just like The Great Pasta Sauce Incident Of 2021 never happened. 

    Promising review: "This product is amazing!!! I cannot believe what it took off our stovetop! We bought a house and the electric stove was left and I had tried everything to get it looking new and clean, EVERYTHING. I'd seen this on TikTok and figured I’d give it a shot and WOW am I glad I did. Hello new clean stove." —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $18.98

    39. A cloud-shaped magnetic key holder for an absurdly cute storage option for keys that will prettttyyy much guarantee you never lose them again. 

    Promising review: "So, yes, TikTok made me buy this, but so far I really like it. It's obviously very adorable and offers a charming spot to keep my keys that works with my entryway. I'm really surprised by how strong the hold is for such a small object — I carry my car fob and a few keys and so far it's holding strong. I hung it with Command Strips to avoid any potential damage to the wall and I will say make sure it's level as the hold is not so good on an angle (but that was from the original in-hand testing). Definitely recommend and for the price, I'm very tempted to get one for my at-work office." —D. Carter 

    Get it from Amazon for $7.48.

    40. A broom for pet and human hair that can work on any type of floor, but is specifically designed to pull it up from the carpet faster and deeper than even a lot of vacuums can reach. In less than five minutes you'll find out what color your carpet's *actually* been the whole time!

    BuzzFeed editor holding broom with black silicone bristles
    BuzzFeed editor holding up clump of gross hair
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    An embarrassing confession: I do not have a pet, but I shed like nobody's business. My hair gets so ingrained in the carpet that a vacuum truly does nothing for it, so I often was just unrooting clumps of hair from the floor with my hands (sorry for the visual). I bought this broom and it immediately started pulling it up GOBS of hair. My carpet, like, genuinely changed color (turns out the pink was supposed to be much pinker, whoops). Anyway, do with that semi-horrifying information what you will — you can read my full review of the pet hair broom for more deets.

    Promising review: "I have two long haired dogs and my larger dog (a standard Aussie) sheds a lot. It's a constant hassle to clean up and it doesn't seem to matter how often we vacuum, there's always more hair. I saw this product on TikTok and thought it might be worth a try to get up more hair from our carpets. It worked really well. I personally found the 'squeegee' side worked best on the carpet, but the brush side worked well on the tile." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.