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    59 Small Tips To Make Your Place Look So Much Better In 2024

    Once you invest in a curved shower curtain, you'll wish you always had one.

    1. Add magnetic garage handles and faux windows that'll bring some serious curb appeal to your home for an EXTREMELY small fraction of the price of getting some carriage-style doors. They're pricey as heck. These magnets are not.

    2. Kick the blinds to the curb and get some privacy without the cord (it can be dangerous for kids and pets!) by applying a window film that'll still let in SO much light. I did this to my bathroom window and congratulate myself for it every day.

    reviewer's window with holographic geometric frosted covering

    3. Refinish tired metal furniture with some metallic spray paint for a weekend afternoon project that'll have substantial payoff. Just look at that zhuzhed bistro set!

    4. Hang up a tapestry (or something more substantial than a poster or print) that'll skim over any dents, unsightly utility panel doors, scuffs, or other marks that distract from your aesthetic.

    natural rope macrame wall hanging with tassels

    5. Spiff up stainless-steel appliances with a plant-based stainless-steel cleaner and polish spray (that comes with a microfiber cloth) for a low-lift transformation. Appliances are expensive. Their upkeep shouldn't be!

    6. Use a bottle of leather conditioner to revive your leather goods *even* as large as a leather couch! Welcome to your next project while you catch up on the latest ep of your fave true-crime podcast!

    7. Get around oddly place outlets behind furniture with an ultra thin electrical cover. This babe cover is connected to a power strip that lets you charge six devices at a time.

    8. Use a velvet slipcover to give your ragged old couch a complete new look. Plus, the slipcover comes with straps to keep it in place so you don't have to futz with it all the time.

    Reviewer before/after of their couch with the pink velvet slip added. The after pic shows couches that look brand new and completely different.

    9. Remove all sorts of stubborn rings that've been staring at you every time you're in the washroom using a pumice stone toilet bowl cleaner. Nope, you do NOT need a new toilet. Your OG just requires some zhuzhing.

    10. And keep it looking brand-new with a miraculous automatic bleach toilet cleaning system, because you can't enjoy the first Saw film without thinking about cleaning. This gadget will send cleaner into your bowl with each flush!

    A reviewer photo of the installed system, which clips on to the tank and attaches to two of the toilet's internal tubes

    11. Cover up an ugly outdoor surface with interlocking teak tiles you don't need tools to install. That concrete patio slab is older than you, but it doesn't have to look that way.

    12. Swap out one of those weird long pillows (sorry!) for a ~streamlined~ door draft stopper to keep fall gusts from coming in under the door. It'll just look like a natural part of your door so other decor design choices (like that cute welcome mat) can shine!

    13. Hang a set of room-darkening velvet curtains for a super dramatic look on the cheap. Mount the rod ABOVE the window frame and measure the curtains correctly so you can get a glam floor-skimming look that draws the eye upward.

    14. Recover ugly throw pillows with cute shams that'll cost less than a horde of brand-new cushions would.

    stack of velvet pillows on a couch

    15. Or treat yourself to a seashell pillow for MUCH cheaper than you'll see in a cool vintage shop.

    16. Give yourself some peace of mind if you're into open windows for the sake of a breeze with this low-key motion sensor you can place on your partially opened window that'll act like your guard dog while ya' snooze. And if you upgrade this plan, you can save on homeowner's insurance!

    open window with minimalist white motion sensor for security

    17. Cover up dings and discoloration on door frames and molding with some wood scratch cover so everything will blend in like normal. Also, it requires no sanding or refinishing! Cue to you on the prowl for more wood surfaces you can fix up.

    18. And hide smaller scratches on your fave furniture with a set of wood repair markers. We love a repair instead of a replacement product!

    19. Or dress up that water stain that won't quit with a charming burlap table runner because people will just assume that you're always ready to entertain.

    wood dining table with burlap stripe runner on it

    20. Tuck stray cords outta the way with cable clip organizers because you need your phone charger by your bed but you don't have to trip over it or make it take center stage.

    close up of mountable cable clips

    21. Tidy up a modem-y mess by hiding it behind a bookish disguise as a decorative touch that's more useful than anyone could expect.

    row of hardback books with back shown that it's a box

    22. Distract from an unsightly lighting chain or cord with an electrical cord cover that'll look like it's just part of the decor.

    chandelier with exposed chain then the chain covered

    23. Erase the likes of spills, wine, and even Sharpie marker(!!!) with this powerful stain remover. As you can see, it even works on suede furniture.

    24. *Artfully* corral items on your coffee table with a decorative tray that'll make it look perfectly styled — even if the other thing on the coffee table is an open pizza box serving as your dinner plate. (We've all been there, I vacation there often.)

    25. Mask an unsightly power strip in a sleek (but ventilated!) box that'll also keep kids and pets outta there.

    before pic of a messy cable strip then after of the box containing the same power strip but looking much neater

    26. Attach a roll of faux ivy to ugly wire fencing or railing with a view you don't love. Here's to a bit more privacy!

    27. Keep your floors in tip-top shape (and prevent some nails-on-chalkboard scrapes) by putting furniture protectors on furniture legs. Any year you can avoid refinishing your floors is a GREAT year.

    showing how you can't see the furniture protectors on a chair leg

    28. Make your kitchen sink's corner work for its dinner with a corner sponge organizer — it'll fit a surprising amount of dishwashing essentials in such a tiny space instead of them cluttering up your cleaning zone.

    kitchen sink with triangle shaped sponge and soap holder on the corner of a sink

    29. Invest in a lil' over-the-door cabinet organizer so you won't have to stare at a pile of hairstyling tools every time you go to brush your teeth. You'll be locating your hair dryer in record time!

    30. Stop the mess in your laundry room with a laundry-detergent drip catcher to help salvage some of that precious goo, so you can go a tad bit longer in between shopping trips.

    laundry detergent containers with the drip catcher on them

    31. Graduate from your mismatched collection to a set of silicone-coated kitchen utensils that are nice-looking but neutral enough to blend in a bit with everything in your kitchen.

    32. Revamp your under-things storage with a sock and underwear organizer to help you zero in on your lucky Friday socks... and figure out which pair-less ones need the boot.

    Reviewer's before-and-after of a messy drawer, and the same drawer neatly organized in these bins

    33. Put down a luxe-looking runner in a hall or in front of your closets to help create a sense of *fawn-cy* space without hurting your budget. I own this very runner and love it every single day that I walk on it!

    burgundy and white rug runner

    34. Brighten an icky floor with a grout pen so you don't have to stare at the stained grout and imagine what it used to look like. Grout takes up a teeny bit of space but, as you can see from the pics, makes a huge impact!

    35. Stash all your plastic bags (hey, they make great bin liners plus you have to pay for them now in NYC!) with some plastic grocery bag wranglers light enough to hang on a hook on your wall *or* inside your kitchen cabinet. Just saying, these would look real cute in your pantry.

    two hanging bag organizers with a hand pulling a grocery bag out of the bottom of one

    36. Use some stove burner covers to help you catch the mess right away on gas stovetops. Or just cover up some chipped or sorry-looking stovetops. (I live in a rental with a white gas stovetop that def has some unsightly chips on it, so I can relate!)

    37. Remove all sorts of stubborn rings that've been staring at you every time you're in the washroom using a pumice stone toilet bowl cleaner. Nope, you do NOT need a new toilet. Your OG just requires some zhuzhing.

    38. Or drop in a toilet fizzing bomb for a bathbomb-like effect on those nasty stains. Um, maybe cleaning the bathroom will be fun now?

    jar of toilet fizzies

    39. Show that shower door who's boss with a commercial-grade cleaner that'll get at soap scum and grime on notoriously hard-to-clean shower doors. Seriously, shower doors are more or less scum magnets. It isn't fair but this spray will even the playing field.

    person spraying shower with the cleaner

    40. Give your towels some room to breathe and create a neater look in that bath your whole family uses with an over-the-door towel rack built with some hooks too so you can put your robe and clothes somewhere that isn't the floor or on top of the toilet.

    back of bathroom door with a towel rack that has three tiers of racks for towels

    41. Decant your shower products into a set of stainless-steel and glass soap dispensers that'll make your bathroom look like a spa.

    A customer review photo of four soap dispensers in their shower.

    42. Toss a punchy throw blanket with some pom-pom trim over your lackluster couch or chair to draw attention away from the fact that, wow, it's seen better days.

    yellow blanket with pom pom trim on it thrown over a beige couch

    43. Or if you are extremely glamorous, take a similar approach with a faux-sheepskin rug to throw on a chair seriously lacking in comfort, at the foot of your couch, or in a number of spots!

    white faux sheepskin rug on a wicker armchair

    44. While we're talking about faux-fur luxury, swap to an undercover dog bed for your furry lil' angel who gets to do what you'd like to do, lounge around all day while someone else works for the chow. At least with this, you'll have a luxe-looking, machine-washable surface they won't get in trouble for drooling all over.

    large brown dog laying on white rug

    45. Borrow a little air space above your go-to outlet with an outlet shelf *just* large enough for your electric toothbrush. Here's to a tidier sink!

    46. Pour your budget booze into an extremely nice-looking decanter and pair of glasses to park on the top tier of your bar cart for a v pricey look without the price to match it.

    hexagon-shape decanter and matching glasses

    47. Mask the horror show underneath your bed with a sharp bed skirt to coordinate with your bedding.

    neutral bedroom with neat looking bed with bed skirt that obscures anything underneath the bed

    48. String up some (truly easy) under-cabinet lights to bring a modern touch to any outdated cabinets that you wish you could replace. This'll instantly make your kitchen look *so* expensive.

    kitchen with plain white stock cabinets with lights underneath them to make it look so much better

    49. Mount a broom and mop organizer on a closet wall for a tidy "after" so you won't worry about an avalanche when you open that door. You know what I'm talking about.

    Reviewer's before-and-after of their broom and appliances on the floor, then held up by this organizer

    50. Corral "drop zone" stuff like mail, keys, and reusable grocery bags onto this tidy wall shelf instead of dumping them on your kitchen counter.

    organizing rack on wall

    51. Use a standing weeder (without the chemicals!) to help improve your view of your yard. You're not the only one who has trouble enjoying weed-filled scenery. And hey, while you're weeding with this there's no bending over! Your back will thank you.

    52. Clear up some counter space and put your farmer's market haul on display with a charming fruit hammock.

    kitchen with a fruit hammock hanging down from the bottom of a cabinet

    53. Use a genius T-shirt roll holder to create some storage out of seemingly thin air. Perhaps now you'll actually be able to find the remaining T-shirts in that drawer instead of having them then hang out in "the chair" basically ALL the time. 

    closet door closed with several shirts hanging from a hook at the top of the door. The shirts are attached by rolling them up and putting them through stretchy loops.
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    The Roll Keeper is owned by Kelso, Washington's resident crafter, Traci. Traci has been crafting for over 40 years and created her storage design to help organize vinyl, soon realizing that it was the perfect organization solution for much more. Her shop has versions for bottles, wrapping paper, pens, and more. My colleague Mallory Mower owns this and loves it. Here's what she has to say:

    "Before getting this I was driving myself up the wall with my bad folding habits. I basically shoved all my shirts into the storage drawers under my bed, because I have a teeny tiny closet (the picture above gives you a solid idea of how small it is). This has given me a massive amount of clothing storage I didn't have before. The quality is stellar and Traci is 10/10 the most thoughtful person I've purchased an Etsy product from!"

    Get it from The Roll Keeper on Amazon for $23.99 (available in black or white).

    54. Invest in a faux houseplant you can just admire without having to worry about actually taking care of it. Let's concentrate on your water intake.

    55. *Effectively* get up pet hair with a graciously sized lint roller so your comforter won't look like it's faux-fur. (It's cat hair, thank you. Or, it WAS.)

    person rolling under a couch cushion with the large lint roller

    56. Get a night-light for your bed that'll make you feel like you're staying at a fancy hotel as you step around that pile of clothes that fell off "the chair" in the middle of the night.

    person on bed with light shining faintly out from underneath it

    57. Maxed out your bookshelves? Mount a floating bookshelf as a clever excuse to display your to-read pile.

    58. Free up some kitchen cabinet space with mounted wine racks for a storage solution that'll make getting a post-work pour that much easier.

    under-cabinet wine glass holder with throw rows and enough for nine glasses

    59. A curved shower curtain rod so you don't have to worry about the shower liner creepily touching you while you're just trying to get clean. This is one of the pricier things on this list but it'll help you feel like you have a bigger shower for less than $50. 

    reviewer pic of bathroom with curved shower curtain rod
    another angle of the shower rod

    Promising review: "I am in love with this perfect matte black curved shower curtain rod! Semi easy to install. Because it’s curved, it does take some time to install both sides and make sure it’s lined up. Comes with everything you could need to install. Other than that, this shower rod is a dream." —Siarra

    Get it from Amazon for $37.99+ (available in three finishes).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.