We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    54 Skincare Products With Before And Afters That’ll Make You Want To Try Them Out

    Chances are that if you've been mulling over a new-to-you product, we've got the proof here.

    1. Bio-Oil — it may just become your hypoallergenic, nongreasy, and dermatologist-recommended go-to for lessening the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Or it can also just serve as an amazing body moisturizer.

    person with big scars on chin from having shingles
    same person with all the scarring gone

    I've used this stuff before on a variety of bumps and scratches I've accumulated on my legs as an extraordinarily pale and clumsy human. I think it's really worked! Also I've used it as a body moisturizer in the dry, dry depths of winter with supple results.

    Promising review: "I swear by this product. Very effective on discolored skin due to scarring. I had shingles on my face brought about by stress because we were moving. It ravaged the lower right side of my face and I was pretty sure it was going to leave hideous scarring. I bought this and started applying it when I started scabbing and still haven't stopped using it til now. I had my shingles april and its august now. Check the before and after pics. It works." —twitch

    Get a 2 oz. bottle from Amazon for $11.12.

    2. A CeraVe salicylic acid body wash exfoliates any rough, bumpy skin (minus the microbeads) to leave you feeling smoother and moisturized thanks to  moisturizing hyaluronic acid and calming niacinamide.

    Promising review: "I saw improvement within the first couple uses. It reduced the small red bumps on my legs and elbows. Works as advertised!" —candace

    "I never do reviews...but this product WORKS! I have KP on my legs and it got rid of it 10000%. It must be used consistently and you have to also exfoliate with an actual natural loofa or something similar, but YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. Great product for a great price! Would give 100 stars if I could!" —layla mahmoud

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    3. And First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub gets rid of "chicken skin" (ahem, tiny bumps that are called keratosis pilaris) thanks to smart ingredients like glycolic, lactic acids, and pumice buffing beads. Talk about an effective shower. 

    the purple bottle of exfoliator
    reviewer's arm with red bumps and then an after pic of the same arm clear
    First Aid Beauty, www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "Amazing product! I've suffered with KP on my arms for 15 years and nothing helped. This product didn't just help, it completely cleared it away! I noticed a big difference after just one use and a month later of using it two times a week my arms are smooth and I'm no longer embarrassed of them. I'm so excited! This product has changed my life!" —Sherrie Ruiz

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in four sizes).

    4. Corsx Acne Pimple Master Patches attack and help flatten out painful blemishes by sucking out the gunk without irritating your skin around the blemish like drying treatments.

    reviewer pic of large, painful looking pimple above eyebrow
    the same pimple flattened out and looking like it's healing

    Promising review: "Omg, where has this been my whole life? Why did nobody talk about hydrocolloid patches when I was a teen? These truly do shrink your pimples (as long as it is an open or popped one). I just put one on before bed and by morning, voilà! All that's left is a small bump, if anything at all. I seriously couldn't believe my eyes. (All those years of suffering from acne! I'm in my thirties now with hormonal acne, btw.) These are magic!" —Julie W.

    Get a four-pack of 24 patches each from Amazon for $18. Check out our full Cosrx Acne Pimple Patches review!

    5. SKIN1004 Zombie Pack Face Masks make you (briefly) look like a zombie while it goes to work tightening your pores and minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Now's as good of a time as ever to FaceTime your mom and scare her.

    Promising review: "Smells great! This face mask does exactly what it says. My skin is nice and lifted, hydrated, noticeable reduction in fine lines, improved texture, reduced my pore size, and eliminated some newly developed rough patches forming around the hairline. Couldn't be more satisfied with this product! I have pretty good skin for 37, but this mask has really helped take my skin to the next level." —Samantha

    Get a box of eight masks from Amazon for $21.

    6. LilyAna Naturals Eye Cream — it's made to soften and freshen up your under-eyes...and according to reviews, can help lighten dark facial scars.

    Promising review: "I have been using this daily for about eight months now. I am 60 years old. It reduced the puffiness and bags under my eyes. I am Sicilian and had dark circles. It has brightened up my eye area. I am very surprised as I have paid much more for eye creams that have done so much less. I recently had precancerous cells removed at the bridge of my nose. After healing, I was left with a dark scar. The dermatologist told me that it would heal over time. Since I began to apply this eye cream, the mark has almost disappeared entirely. I shop constantly from Amazon. This is the first time that I have taken the time to write a review. That's how impressed I am with this product. If you decide to purchase this, you won't be sorry." —Lynda M.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in three sizes).

    7. A bug bite suction tool removes the irritating venom, and helps reduce itchiness, pain, and swollenness on existing bites. Plus it works on other insect stings. Think about all the scratching you could've saved yourself!

    person applying the tool to their arm
    reviewer's pic of the bite after applying the tool to show the difference over time

    Promising review: "We carry our Bug Bite Thing in the car, take on vacations, etc. Love it. We use for mosquito bites mostly...but I will tell you, my husband actually got stung by a wasp after we bought this and I cant tell you how excited I was! Not for this discomfort of course, but I could wait to see if the bug sucker would actually suck out the stinger...it did!!!!! So satisfying." —E. Horvath

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in four colors and multipacks).

    8. An exfoliating scrub mitt helps you part with excess dead skin and particles while you use it a couple of times a month (it's that good so you don't have to use it often!). Reviewers find it super helpful for removing self-tanner, addressing ingrown hairs, and increasing circulation. 

    reviewer image showing their legs before and after using the glove and how different their legs look
    reviewer image of the black glove on their hand

    Promising review: "I have very thin and light body hair, so any form of removal (shaving, waxing, etc) usually leaves me with a lot of ingrown hairs. I've tried body scrubs and washcloths and neither really do a great job. I saw this product recommended by a dermatologist on TikTok and thought I'd try it — it's amazing! I also have very sensitive skin, and this mitt doesn't leave my skin irritated at all. However, absolutely do not use this mitt on your face, neck, or other sensitive areas, it would be way too harsh.

    I like to use this mitt first when I get in the shower, then use a body wash (a gentle chemical exfoliant) and follow up with body lotion for dry and sensitive skin. This whole routine is fragrance free and leaves my skin feeling very soft and moisturized." —Kat

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (also available in a set of two). 

    9. A callus-removing gel gives you professional pedicure results at home if scrubbing, soaking, and filing have failed you. 

    Promising review: "Amazing. Now I know the first pic is gross but that just shows how bad my feet were, scrubbing, pedicures, soaking all just made it worse until I found this cream! I mean it seriously shows In the pics. The other big thing I noticed was how soft my feet were after using it! Too bad you can't tell that from the picture. Idk what makes this work so well but it's a miracle! And yes definitely wear gloves and you're good to go." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    10. A Revlon volcanic stone face roller removes oil and shine from your face. And unlike oil-blotting sheets, the ball can be popped out and washed so you can use this over and over and over again.

    Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller
    Reviewer using Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller

    Promising review: "First off, if you have extremely oily skin, this. is. it. I was so tired of getting blotting powder/wipes. It felt wasteful and always left residue on my face. I saw this on TikTok and NEEDED it. Not only is it affordable, but it's also washable, which helps you save money and be less wasteful. It felt like the holy grail had been delivered to my front doorstep. After my first use, I was in love. Now, it doesn't pick up everything but it does make it more matte and gives you a natural look. I am so excited this product exists and I already feel more confident." —Kelsey B.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.49.

    11. A pack of facial and eyebrow razors remove fine hairs and smooth your skin for much easier makeup application.

    A customer review photos of before and after using the facial and eyebrow razor
    A customer review photo of a close of the facial and eyebrow razor

    Promising review: "I love 💕 these little razors for all that peach 🍑 fuzz. My face looks so smooth now!!! They’re really easy to use. I had no idea there was such a product! My aesthetician used something similar on my face and I thought 💭 I can do that!! So glad I found it!" —Patti16

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.94.

    12. Some nail and cuticle repair oil you use once a day to treat that little band of skin that often gets overlooked. 

    Promising review: "It's a miracle! I had peeling, weak nails for years. Tried everything. A friend recommended a nail strengthener they saw on QVC. It was quite pricey and I wanted to make sure it was worth it so I read the reviews. One of the comments said just buy Solar Oil. Since it was much more affordable than the QVC stuff, I tried it. I bought it in February. This size bottle lasted a bit more than a month religiously applying it two to three times a day. I was really seeing great improvement so I bought another bottle in late March. By May, all the peeling had grown out and my nails were getting stronger every day. I then bought the big 4-ounce refill bottle because I never want to run out of it again! Cannot recommend this stuff enough!" —Diana

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in four sizes/styles).

    13. Or an instant cuticle remover rids the area around your nails of dead skin but also soothes skin with aloe and chamomile. 

    A reviewer showing off their dry, cracked cuticles before using the serum
    The same reviewer showing off their soft cuticles after using the serum

    Promising review: "I had never tried this before and I am so glad I did. It works great! Within seconds of applying it to my nails, the cuticle becomes soft and I can remove it right away. I used to never remove my cuticles when doing my nails, I guess because I didn't really know how to, but since I started using this product my nails look so good. I'm happy with the product and the results." —ABernal

    Get it from Amazon for $8.69.

    14. Baby Foot is a lavender-scented foot peel that revitalizes dried, calloused feet for, tbh, a pretty disgusting transformation. (You're gonna want to send the pics to your group chat.)

    a before photo of crusty feet dated July 2
    photos dated july 5, 6 after 1st soak, with skin starting to peel
    after photo dated july 16, 2 weeks later, with feet baby smooth

    This product is a dream come true for anyone who gets a kind of sick satisfaction from peeling off dead skin. (Let's face it, that's all of us, right?)

    Promising review: "This mask comes with two baggies, and you place each of your feet into its own bag and tape it up to avoid leaking. The moment you put them on, the jelly-type liquid travels all over your feet and in between your toes, and it's the most relaxing feeling ever. You can feel your skin drinking in the moisture and nutrients. While you do not see results right away, your feet will smell amazing for a whole day after the treatment. After six or seven days, all the dead, dry skin starts falling off, and your feet really do feel baby soft. I never thought I had dry feet, but oh boy, was I wrong!" —Melvika

    Get it from Amazon for $25.

    15. And a giant foot file sloughs off nasty, dead skin and has review photos that'll shake your whole being. Like the one here!

    A reviewer's heel looking dirty and deeply cracked
    The same reviewer's heel looking much cleaner and mostly smooth, with only a few small cracks left

    This miracle worker has got over 5,970+ 5-star reviews!

    Promising review: "This thing is pretty amazing. I was skeptical for sure, since I've tried all kinds of lotions, balms, and stone-based products, none of which helped my heels whatsoever. I've worn socks to bed for years, because if I don't the sheets hardly last a week before they have holes rubbed through them. My wife ordered this thing that looks like a mini cheese grater, lol, and after two minutes — two minutes!! — of rubbing it on my heel, it's a complete 180. I never would've believed it until I tried it myself. This is well worth double what it costs." —LBK

    Get two from Amazon for $13.99.

    16. A scalp massager helps relieve you of itching and dandruff. Also, it'll feel like a total treat.

    reviewer with buzz cut hair with irritated skin seen through it
    same reviewer's scalp without the skin irritation seen

    Promising review: "I have suffered from dry scalp and dandruff for years. I recently shaved my head and realized just how bad my scalp really was. Red irritated spots everywhere that became very easy to see with my short hair. After using this product along with a coconut oil moisturizer for three days, my scalp is already healing. The product is easy to hold, easy to clean, and feels great on an itchy scalp. I also don’t have dandruff flakes at all anymore. Trust me, you won’t regret purchasing this product!" —Britt

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    17. Burt's Bees after-sun soothing lotion because sometimes you get sunburned even when you think you're being great about reapplying sunblock. Or maybe you just recruited your laziest friend to help you reapply on your back. Both are highly possible!

    It doesn't contain any parabens, phthalates, petrolatum or SLS.

    Promising review: "Whenever someone I know has a sunburn, I become that super annoying product-pusher friend. I tell everyone about the sun soother! Really, Burt’s Bees should pay me. It rubs into skin like lotion so you don’t feel greasy and can immediately put on clothes after application. A little goes a long way! It smells good without being overpowering (and I’m picky about scents!). Most importantly, it works! I’ve had everything from slight burn to looks-like-a-lobster-feels-like-fire and this sun soother has eliminated the pain/itch and drastically reduced the eventual peel. Highly recommend!" —jlgentr3

    Get it from Amazon or $8.76.

    18. Radha Rosehip Oil is an all-natural solution to a ton of skin problems. It helps hydrate skin, reduces the look of wrinkles and scars, and reviewers even say it helps their hair and nails.

    Promising review: "This is LIFE-CHANGING! I'm 33 and have had dry skin my entire life. I decided to try this because the price was reasonable and the reviews were great. I was NOT disappointed. I cleaned my face the first night, applied a thick layer of rosehip oil, and went to bed. Eight hours later, I woke up to a new face. I have used this oil every night for about five weeks and it has completely changed my skin. My mom saw me one morning and remarked that my skin looked like it did when I was 8! I also love that you get a large quantity of oil for a super affordable price, and a little bit goes a long way. For the amount you get, it's SUCH a bargain." —TuffLuckCowgirl

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95.

    19. O'Keeffe's Foot Cream rehabs cracked, painful heels. Here's to going to bed without socks!

    Promising review: "I have struggled with dry, cracked, gross feet since I was a teenager. No matter what I did, the skin on my heels was always dry and would crack so painfully that sometimes it was hard to walk. I had just resigned myself to the fact that it could never change. My feet are so, so soft, nearly all of the cracks and rough spots are gone and the last few cracks are almost totally healed. I have been putting this on twice a day and it’s changed everything. If you are on the fence about getting this, get it!!" —Halley B

    Get it from Amazon for $8.49.

    20. Honeyskin Ultimate Face and Body Cream delivers results on all kinds of irritating skin issues besides rosacea, like eczema, psoriasis, and other rashes. TL;DR, it's good to have in your medicine cabinet.

    Promising review: "I am absolutely blown away by the results from using this product. I have moderate rosacea made severe by pregnancy, and was at a major loss as to how to manage it. Unable to treat my rosacea as I normally would and with my sensitivity at an all time high (I couldn’t tolerate anything more than Vaseline), I decided to give this a whirl and could not be happier that I did. I think my picture speaks for itself, but within one week this cream SIGNIFICANTLY improved my rosacea and sensitivity and by a month my skin was completely smooth with minimal redness and scarring left from the months long flare I’d been having. Fan of Honeyskin for life here!!!" —LR

    Get it from Amazon for $15.97+ (available in three sizes).

    21. simple ice roller seems to be the one thing missing from everyone's routine. Reviewers tout its soothing abilities for headaches, oncoming breakouts, and yes, for rosacea too!

    reviewer's puffy eye
    same reviewer's eye now not puffy thanks to the ice roller

    Promising review: "Thinking about buying another because i cried a lot yesterday and did not want to go downstairs after rolling at evening to put it back in the freezer so it would be available in the morning. Forget the jade, rose quartz, etc...ICE is where it’s at." —Elise

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in nine colors).

    22. TruSkin Vitamin C Serum brightens, softens, and fades hyperpigmentation like luxury serums (according to reviewers). Plus, it's cruelty-free!

    A reviewer with dark skin showing the serum lightened the acne scars on their forehead and cheeks until they were basically gone
    Progression photos showing redness and acne on reviewer's cheeks is reduced on day 2 and day 4

    Get it from Amazon for $21.97+ (available in two sizes).

    23. Mad Rabbit Tattoo Balm & Aftercare Cream keeps your ink looking and feeling great, even if it isn't new.

    a reviewer photo of an arm tattoo labeled
    a reviewer photo of the same arm tattoo labeled

    Mad Rabbit is a Black-owned biz founded by college friends Oliver Zak and Selom Agbitor after seeing a gap in the market for all-natural products to heal, protect and enhance tattoos. They pitched their tattoo salve in season 12 of Shark Tank. BTW, it's made from just seven vegan and cruelty-free ingredients, this balm is sensitive skin-safe and will make both colored and monochrome tats POP.

    Promising review: "Product was awesome. It rejuvenated a 5-year-old tattoo and made it look like new again. Mad Rabbit absorbed into the skin very easily without being greasy." —Janson Ward

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99 (available in two scents).

    24. BYO Blush Oil, which is criminally easy to ease. You just tap on a few dots and then blend with your fingers or a brush. It's green in the bottle and then turns *your* perfect shade of pink on your skin thanks to a pH reaction. Oh, and it's on a skincare list because it's packed full of good-for-you ingredients and you can even sleep in it (if you want). 

    model's without and then with the blush

    Youthforia is an Asian woman–owned small business established in 2020 that specializes in environmentally friendly, cruelty-free makeup made with at least 90% renewable ingredients.

    Fun fact: All of Youthforia's makeup is designed with ingredients that make it A-OK for your skin to sleep with it on!

    Promising review: "Dewy and glowy. I tried it over makeup and it appeared as a strong pink shade but settled to a flushed, glowy color. I had my little sister try it too because I wanted to see the color change again and it lasted a really long time on her. The texture was smooth and it was easy to rub in and blend out." —Summer

    Get it from Amazon for $35.99+ (available in four shades) or Youthforia for $36.

    25. A bottle of Grip Clean heavy-duty soap made with coconut and olive oils so you can get your grease-covered paws back to their clean selves without spending an hour at the sink. Sure, you're just cleaning up your bike real quick before you have to go out for brunch. And then you're covered in grease. 

    Promising review: "I work for the railroad and I am always getting my hands dirty! I could never seem to find anything that worked. Also, I live in Utah so when it starts getting cold my hands dry out. Well, with Grip Clean that doesn’t happen! I have my coworkers coming to my locker asking to get some soap since the soap we have at doesn't work as well as Grip Clean!" —Nick

    Get it from Amazon for $11.50.

    26. A box of wart-removing pads you simply apply them like bandages. Get ready to say adios to that appendage even faster. 

    Reviewer's progression photos showing the pads removed a wart on their finger
    Different reviewer's progression photos showing the pads removed a dime-size wart

    Promising review: "I had a stubborn wart on my right thumb that has been there for almost a year. Went to the doctor the first time to freeze it, but it didn't completely remove the wart so I decided to try the gel. The gel helped but not for too long and the wart came back (in a couple of days). Long story short, I got these medicated bandages and the results are incredibly satisfying. Used these every day for a week and the next week, my wart is gone. So far it's been a week after and I haven't noticed any growth." —J

    Get 14 pads from Amazon for $7.29.

    27. Black Girl Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30 beloved by reviewers with melanated skin for good reason. It rubs in (like, actually rubs in) and doesn't leave any ashy white effect.

    Hands using the sunscreen
    a model applying the sunscreen and showing how it doesn't leave a whitecast
    Target, Target

    Black Girl Sunscreen is a Black woman-owned business whose sunscreen is designed not to leave a white cast on melanated skin. It's ultra sheer, water-resistant, and super nourishing thanks to its all-natural ingredients. Plus, it's cruelty-free! They also make sunscreen for kids with SPF 50.

    Promising review: "I’ve tried many, many sunscreens that claim to blend and not leave a white cast when applied. This was so much better than I expected. A nickel-size amount goes a long way and blends into a smooth, dewy finish. I also didn’t notice a scent so there was no worries of walking around smelling like sunscreen." —Target Customer

    Get it from Target for $15.99 or from Black Girl Sunscreen for $18.99.

    28. SOL by Jergens Deeper by the Drop Self Tanning Drops easily combine with your moisturizer to help pale folks develop a ~glow~ overnight.

    Promising review: "Works better than all the high-end products I have tried. Would definitely recommend!! It does have a strong 'self tanner' smell, but I personally don't mind that. This picture is after letting it develop overnight." —Whitney

    Get it from Amazon for $19.67.

    29. Bruise cream in case you're like me and bump into everything even adjacent to your path, and then find bruises in very obvious places that could've come from anything, really.

    reviewer with dark under eye bruise
    same reviewer without the bruise

    Promising review: "I am very fair-skinned and bruise easily (doesn't help that I also tend to be very clumsy). I recently got a very large, dark bruise on my arm, and a friend at work whose son is a stunt man told me I should use Arnica on it. Based on the reviews, I ordered this product and started using it approximately four days after I was bruised. At first, it didn't seem like anything was happening, but after three to four days of use, I could see a marked difference just from morning to evening. I have never had a bruise heal that quickly before. I'm sold!" —J. Yount

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    30. A tea tree, eucalyptus, and lavender oil balm addresses a variety of annoying skin issues like itchy and scaly skin, rashes, ringworm, jock itch, athlete's foot, and more. Reviewers say it worked on their skin problems much better than pricier treatments. 

    back of hand with two painful looking patches of rash
    then the same back of the hand with rashes almost completely clear

    Promising review (for the images): "I have had persistent rashes on my hands since early 2018. I have tried so many creams and medications for almost two years. After four days of use my skin is almost clear, pain free, no cracks, and NO ITCHING. This balm is absolutely amazing. I also used the Puriya Mother of All Creams at the same time and the combo has been phenomenal!" —Alicia Pumphrey

    Get it from Amazon for $36.32.

    31. Glow Recipe Redness Relief Serum is formulated with ceramides to help reduce redness and irritation, while antioxidant-rich avocado works to deeply nourish your skin.

    Immediate before and after of person's reduced redness using the serum
    Bottle of Glow Recipe redness reducing serum

    Promising review: "This product works really well for me. It feels very hydrating and it reduces redness a lot. I had red patches in various places all over my face and even some flaking skin due to mask wearing and almost all of that is gone after three weeks of use." –Leighlivie

    Get it from Sephora for $45.

    32. InstaNatural Vitamin C Serum offers up some seriously soothing and moisturizing abilities on the reg with its hyaluronic acid, but especially when you suffer a flare-up. Get behind me, Satan!

    Promising review: "I absolutely adore this product. I recently had a horrible flare-up of rosacea. I knew that vitamin C helps to strength the walls of capillaries. So I began looking for a vitamin C serum to treat my rosacea. I did this on my own...this was not a prescribed treatment, but it worked. I will always have this on hand from now on." —Shauna L

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95.

    33. Glossier Solution has chemical exfoliants perfect for babes with super sensitive skin to help lighten scarring, improve general skin tone, and slough off dead skin you no longer need. Say buh-bye to those physical exfoliants that leave you redder and more irritated.

    before pic of person with redness and scarring, then a lot of that faded and cleared up after four weeks of use
    person pumping the top of the bottle with a cotton round

    Promising review: "I have spent years trying to find something that helps reduce the redness and bumps associated with rosacea. My skin is SO SENSITIVE, I had honestly given up even trying to use acne medicines as they just destroyed my skin. Even so, my skin looked terrible. It was so volatile, bumpy, and red. Makeup didn't hide it well, either. In January, I purchased Glossier's three-step cleansing and moisturizing system, and solution. My skin is amazing now. Honestly. I still get a few breakouts, but my once dead and dull, angry skin looks nice even without makeup! It's not fully recovered yet, but it's getting there. Thank you, Glossier!" —Kels 1.

    Get it from Glossier for $26.

    34. Era Organics Soothe Moisturizer deserves main billing in your daily routine thanks to anti-inflammatory ingredients like milk thistle, MSM, and chamomile. Seriously though, the reviewer pics are STAGGERING.

    Promising review: "I thought red blotchy skin from my rosacea was just something I was going to have to live with. I didn't want to use prescriptive drugs. I stumbled upon this product, and with the great price, I figured I had nothing to lose. The first time I applied it I was so impressed. It has an immediate cooling sensation on the skin, a non-greasy formula and absorbed quickly. Within minutes my redness was gone. I was in shock. I stopped needing to wear foundation to hide my blotchiness. I love this product and can't imagine my life without it now!" —Battalglia

    Get it from Amazon for $18.20.

    35. A MakeUp Eraser washcloth easily takes off a full face of makeup with mere water. Then if you flip it to the other side you can use it to exfoliate your skin!

    before image of reviewer in drag makeup
    after image of reviewer's face completely makeup-free
    @chastityst.cage on Instagram / https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1JS8WCVFN7NDV/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ASIN=B012TVK2RI&ie=UTF8

    Check out BuzzFeed's review of the Makeup Eraser for more deets!

    Promising review: "I am amazed by this product. I would even say that this is life-altering! I have not had to buy makeup remover in three months and don't believe I will ever have to again! When I used makeup remover, I felt like I could never get all of my makeup off and I had to rub my eyes quite a bit to get it off. Even after a lot of rubbing when using makeup remover I still would wake up the next morning with makeup residue from the previous day and I never felt I could completely get my makeup off. With Makeup Eraser, there is not one bit of makeup left!! It is like magic!! Make sure you follow directions, you have to use warm water and use the correct side!" —Sprklbuz

    Get it from Amazon for $17+ (available in 14 colors/styles).

    36. Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo stops the flaky mess, once and for all.

    A reviewer's head with lots of dandruff flakes around their part
    The same reviewer's head with no dandruff around their part

    It's got over 58,000 5-star reviews, and works for more than just dandruff. I get recurring bouts of fungal acne on my forehead, and I recently starting using this at the recommendation of the interwebs (its key ingredient is an antifungal). Every other day, I slather it on the affected area like a wash-off mask, let it sit for a few minutes, and rinse off. My forehead looks better the next day!

    Promising review: "This stuff is absolutely amazing. I was one step away from going to the dermatologist. I had severe dandruff that was so bad I could shake my head and it would come off. With just a few uses per week, I got rid of all of my flakes. My scalp also stopped burning from dryness. My hair has never been healthier." —Moo Moo

    Get it from Amazon for $15.24.

    37. Or Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal and Coconut Oil Micro-Exfoliating Shampoo, because the skin on your scalp should enjoy some exfoliation too.

    A reviewer with lots of white flakes along their hairline
    The same reviewer's hairline looking smooth, with all the flakes gone

    The pics above are with just ONE wash!!! This stuff is cruelty-free and made with tea tree, coconut, and peppermint oils. Plus it's from a Black woman-owned brand! 🙌

    Promising review: "Totally amazing and beyond expectations. Chronic dry scalp for over a year, and with **one use**, super awesome results. My head feels fantastic and no more flaking. I'm going to buy a vat of this stuff and swim around in it! Really worth it." —Jana

    Get it from Amazon for $42+ (available in two sizes).

    38. Aztec Secret Healing Clay, a fragrance-free mask capable that can help de-gunk your pores where other products have failed you.

    People are obsessed with the powers of this clay mask — it has over 1,000 5-star reviews on Amazon. It works best when mixed with apple cider vinegar, which you can get here.

    Promising review: "I've only gotten to use this one time, but I have to say it's unlike any mask I've used before. I did the apple cider vinegar mix with it and it dried fast and extremely tight. You will hardly be able to move your face. I washed it off after 20 minutes and was shocked to see my clogged pores were much cleaner and less congested. I barely touched my nose and blackheads were coming out, but they were dry and easily expelled from my pores. Sorry for the TMI but I've never experienced that with any product. It was so awesome and my face feels so clean and and free of oiliness. Also my skin looks brighter and smooth, not bumpy. This stuff really pulls the gunk out of your skin, I'm gonna use this once a week and pray it keeps working." —CAROL SILVESTRI

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in two sizes).

    39. Thayers Witch Hazel, a multitasking toner that handles several steps in your skincare routine: cleansing, moisturizing, fading blemishes, and helping restore your skin's natural pH.

    reviewer with acne
    reviewer with clear skin

    It can do a hell of a lot of other stuff, too, like reduce redness, soothe irritation, heal cuts, and reduce oil and inflammation.

    Promising review: "I buy this when my other bottle is only half empty — that's how much I don't want to be without it. The smell is so good that even if it didn't work amazing wonders on my skin, I would use it just for that. But it does work! Because of this toner, my skin is brighter, more even, and just plain pretty. It feels moisturizing and clean, without giving your skin that tight feeling. I have pretty sensitive skin, but it doesn't burn at all. It tightens pores and helps with all skin needs, whether you break out a lot, are young or old, or have dry or combination skin — it's universal." —Gail Shelton

    Get it from Amazon for $10.95 (available in six scents).

    40. Tend Skin Solution, a more or less magical product to help erase razor irritation and ingrown hairs .

    reviewer with large razor bumps on back of their head
    the reviewer's head looking smoother
    a before and after of an underarm with lots of red razor bumps and then totally smooth

    Promising review: "This product has worked GREAT on my armpits where I had big, painful, inflamed hair follicles for YEARS! I use a Dollar Shave razor now, changed every couple of weeks with Tend Skin after every shower and before deodorant. Miracles! I have noticed less of a difference on razor burn and ingrown hairs in other areas, however." —A User

    Get an 8-ounce bottle from Amazon for $24.99.

    41. Mederma Scar Cream, which I can vouch for working alarmingly well.

    It works on everything from acne to surgical scars, and also has SPF 30 to protect that beautiful skin of yours even further.

    Promising review: "I have been using this product for a few weeks on an old burn on my arm (and fairly recent burn) and it really works. I like to cook and use wood fired pizza oven. I use once in the a.m. and before bed. Noticed a big difference. New scar is almost gone. Old scar has faded quite a bit. Will buy again." —Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $16.69.

    42. Humane Acne Wash, a strong, 10% benzoyl peroxide cleanser that's totally vegan-friendly — the only thing it's cruel to is acne.

    reviewer with lots of pimples on their cheek and chin
    the reviewer's face looking much clearer

    Promising review: "This is a miracle product for adult acne! I've spent so much money on different products and prescriptions throughout the years, and nothing has consistently worked. To my great surprise I started seeing improvements to my face within the first three days of using this. Three weeks later, I could cry because I'm so happy with how my skin looks!" —Frances25

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95+ (available in two sizes).

    43. Baebody Eye Gel, a depuffing, hydrating, and firming serum you can use on other places besides your eyes, like your face and neck!

    reviewer's neck with lots of fine lines, then smoother
    three photos of the bags under a reviewer's eyes fading

    It contains skin care expert–favored ingredients like hyaluronic acid and aloe.

    Promising review: "I'm 57 years old and have been looking for an effective, reasonably priced eye treatment for a long time. It's important to me that this product has natural ingredients, is manufactured in the United States and is cruelty-free. It almost sounded too good to be true. But after using this twice a day for a couple weeks, I was delighted with the results. Upon immediate application, the gel soothes my puffy eyes as effectively and gently as cucumber slices, but without all the mess. It minimizes the dark circles under my eyes and the results get better over time. Plus, over the past month of use, the fine lines under my eyes are less noticeable. I have to say that the results are the best I've experienced and I've used a lot of products, including some that cost well over $100." —ederath

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in two sizes) or $10.79+ with the Subscribe & Save option.

    44. Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips for an extremely satisfying skincare treatment.

    a side by side of a reviewer with lots of dark pores in their nose and then the pores looking clearer
    used blackhead strip with visible dirt on it

    Promising review: "Want to feel disgusting about your previous self from five minutes ago and better for the next couple of weeks? Wet down your schnoz and toss one of these babies on there. It will transform from malleable and comfortable to a stiff sticky pad on your face. After your five minuets of waiting is up and you are ready to see what disgusting things have been cratered in your nose, pull this baby off. Nice and slow, from one side to the other. Feel the rush of excitement as your nose has its blackheads ripped from their pores and you feel cleaner than you do after a shower. Then, flip it over and inspect it closely to see how many nasty blackheads were previously calling your nose home. Take a pic or show to a friend, preferably both. Then crumple it up and throw it away and begin the countdown until the next extraction." —r0bdawg11

    Get a box of 14 from Amazon for $9.87.

    45. Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Serum, a lightweight moisturizer that'll scare off your crow's feet with its plumping, firming formula.

    reviewer with deep crow's feet next to their eye
    the crow's feet largely faded

    Promising review: "This is a fabulous serum and a long-time favorite of mine. It contains many vitamins to provide anti-aging properties, moisture, and collagen stimulation. You don't need to use too much, which makes this little bottle last a very long time. The product also has just a bit of sheen that looks very nice when blended into the skin, and it should work great under makeup, too." —Mermaid Girl

    Get it from Amazon for $22.75.

    46. Blume Meltdown Acne Oil handles its obvious use with finesse while seriously cutting down on redness and irritation that comes with acne.

    before and after pic of person with pimple and then clear skin

    Want to see it in action? Check out this TikTok of the Meltdown Acne Oil.

    Blume is a South Asian-woman owned small business founded by two sisters with the goal of "destigmatizing normal things like acne, puberty, periods and sex ed." They donate a portion of proceeds to Days For Girls, which works to provide period education and resources around the world so menstruating doesn't hold anyone back from opportunity.

    Promising review: "Holy grail. This has changed the way my skin looks and feels! Hormonal breakouts are no longer a huge bummer, and I have officially subscribed to this product monthly!" —Ashley G.

    Get it from Blume for $28+ (the formula is vegan, cruelty-free and available in two sizes). 

    47. Seoul Ceuticals Snail Repair Cream brightens dull skin, fades discoloration, adds plumpness thanks to its snail mucin extract (which is packed with hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid).

    Promising review: "This cream is the freaking holy grail in a jar. Oh my GAWD. It really reduces inflammation on my skin and it looks so much better the morning after. It's a pretty thick cream, so don't use too much and massage onto your fresh, just washed face. I use it only at night (but you can use during day and night. Whatever works for you) and OMG. Just OMG. Try it." —Leslie

    Get it from Amazon for $15.95.

    48. Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum packed with all kinds of good stuff anyone interested in the pursuit of "glass skin" should look into, like niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, peach, and East Asian mountain yam.

    A before/after showing reduced acne after one week
    Peach & Lily

    Peach & Lily is a Korean-owned and woman-owned small beauty brand inspired by K-Beauty.

    Promising review: "This has become my must-have, can't live without. If I have no other products, I need this one in my life. I've been using it for a few months now, morning and night, and noticed dramatic improvement in the clarity, texture, pore size. My skin is so clear, less oily, smoother...I don't feel the need to wear any makeup, which might be a first in my life." —Angela G.

    Get it from Peach & Lily or from Ulta for $39.

    49. Differin Gel with Adapalene is a prescription-strength retinoid you can get over the counter that promotes skin turnover to help you heal and deal with breakouts.

    Promising review: "I have a pile of used skincare sets in my bathroom. Been on a search for 'the' perfect one to treat my breakouts that started March this year. Last June, after months of consulting Google and reading tons of blogs and reviews, I found Differin. I decided to give it a try because of the good ratings.

    "I purged in the first month of use. It was a part of the process, I understood. So I continued to use it. I am on my second month now, and my skin has improved from nay to yay! I’m still having my monthly breakouts but it’s so much better than my pre-Differin acne.

    "Bottom line is, it works! And this is now my holy grail for skincare!" —evart john p. zambo

    Get it from Amazon for $13.47+ (available in three sizes).

    50. A pack of 24k-gold under-eye patches pamper and soothe your poor, tired peepers for a spa-like ritual.

    Promising review: "Holy grail! This stuff gives instant results after just one use. It also has cooling feeling when you’re wearing them and I look forward to wearing these! These make such a difference and really lift the under-eye. Also, love that it comes with 20, so you really can’t beat that price, especially since it’s such a great product! Highly recommend!" —Lily Gurley

    Get a pack for 20 pairs from Amazon for $15.97.

    51. A pack of blotting papers is one of those skincare products you'll wonder how you lived without until now.

    Promising review: "I've had oily skin my whole life and used countless types of oil blotting sheets because they're lifesavers. THESE ARE AMAZING. Great deal, big sheets, and they pull out one at a time so easily. Give these a try — completely worth it. They work well and are easy to use." —Kelsey

    Get a 100-sheet pack from Amazon for $6.95 (available in three scents).

    52. Skinergy Dark Spot Correcting Cream also works to repair sun damage, discoloration, and acne marks!

    before and after images of a model whose acne disappears
    Skinergy Beauty

    Skinergy Beauty is a Latine woman–owned beauty brand dedicated to brightening, nourishing, and bringing life back to your skin.

    Promising review: “I don’t even know where to start! I love everything about this product. This is my second purchase and it’s a staple at this point. A couple of months ago I was having really bad hormonal acne, and in less than a week I have seen my dark pigmentation fade away! Just such a lovely product! Results are guaranteed.” —Catherine 

    Get it from Skinergy Beauty for $56.99.

    53. Healing Solutions tea tree oil reduces rosacea, acne, and foot fungi to cover a ~plethora~ of skin woes.

    reviewer with rosacea flare up on face
    same reviewer with no red marks on face

    Promising review: "This is a great product! I've been being using this the past two weeks to reduce acne and it really works! You can see the change from one day to another: It reduces the color and the bumpiness of your acne. At night I apply it directly to each one of the breakouts. It not only helps with the acne you have, but also helps preventing any more breakouts." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.19.

    54. Vanicream Moisturizing Cream delivers major soothing capabilities to your dry, cracked skin in a fragrance-free formula.

    Psst, many reviewers said this helped relieve their eczema symptoms!

    Promising review: "I have struggled with very persistent eczema for years and this product has been a godsend. Prior to finding this brand, I had been devoted to the Cerave lotion lines but they were not really helping to heal my skin. Come to find out, I am highly allergic to several of the ingredients commonly found in Cerave and many other lotions and cheap skincare products. Vanicream is so great because it has less ingredients, and more sensitive ingredients than any other lotion brand I have come across. I have never had any irritation from this lotion and it has gone miles towards healing my rashes and open wounds. I have used this religiously for about two years now and I am never going back." —Lauren B.

    Get it from Amazon for $13.43.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.