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    25 Products That Could Once And For All Help You Feel Like You’re A Good Cook

    No more pots of burnt rice or flavorless entrees.

    1. Pre-made simmer sauces that'll really zhuzh up that plain chicken breast you have thawing in the sink. Seriously, just dump that sauce on it once it's cooked in the pan! (Psst, they're also Keto- and Paleo-friendly but IMO don't taste like it.)

    cast iron pan with the Thai Coconut Sauce cooking with chicken and bok choy

    2. A variety pack of A Dozen Cousins ready-to-eat seasoned beans, an extremely tasty recipe of a dinner staple. You only have to put the bag in the microwave for 60 seconds, which'll help you concentrate on the other parts of your meal. (I recently mixed the Trini Chickpea Curry with leftover rice for a super satisfying weekday lunch.)

    3. A stuffed burger press for creating a no-mess meat hug around delicious toppings like you're living in the year 3020. Sometimes all ya' need is a lil' excitement to get cookin'.

    the burger press beside of open burger with cheese inside

    4. A holy grail Instant Pot that, OK yes, I know you've seen in BuzzFeed shopping stories frequently BUT the Amazon reviews are full of people who are bad cooks but have turned around their skills thanks to this beaut. Plus, it won't heat up your kitchen like the oven!

    5. And some slow-cooker liners to make cleanup a total cinch. Sometime a super easy cleanup can help motivate yourself to cook (or maybe that's just me).

    the liners in a slower cooker dividing into two sections with two kinds of dip

    6. An EveryPlate subscription, aka an extremely affordable meal kit that includes not-a-million ingredients and will be ready to eat in about 30 minutes. Yes if I can handle it, YOU can handle it.

    person drizzling sauce on a plate of Creamy Mushroom Steak

    7. A rapid egg cooker to help you nail down a protein source in lots of different ways! Or just fix yourself a big batch of deviled eggs, which IMO could make for a great dinner. I for one have yet to master a hard-boiled egg and know there are others out there!

    the egg cooker making poached eggs

    8. A *zesty* seasoning from BuzzFeed's Tasty that'll transform your weeknight dinners. I own this and often use it to season chicken for salads to make them feel like something I paid $15 for instead a rando combination of the contents of my fridge.

    the zesty seasoning beside of a casserole

    9. And a small-batch spice sampler pack to help open all kinds of doors before you invest in a bigger set of spices. Seriously these gourmet spices are non-GMO, Paleo-friendly, have no artificial flavors, and are about to change your LIFE.

    10. A couple of pot minders to prevent some spill over that always seems to ruin a cooking session, even if you fully recover after!

    pot on stove with the pot minder stopping water from boiling over

    11. And a splatter guard so when you turn up the heat just a bit too high all is not lost and you're not caught with piping-hot sauce all over your hands and clothes.

    the frywall in a pot of marinara sauce keeping it from splattering

    12. An excellent chef's knife to help you cut up those whole ingredients with finesse so that's one less thing you've gotta worry about. ICYMI, cutting with dull knives is extremely dangerous!

    person using the knife to thinly slice a tomato

    13. And some cut-resistant gloves because nothing can throw a wrench in dinner plans like spurting blood. These'll keep your digits safe and instill more confidence.

    person wearing the gloves while cutting a tomato with a knife

    14. A foldable cutting board so you don't have to sacrifice another single mushroom slice to the fiery pits of your gas stove. Wait, do you have your own cooking show?

    foldable cutting board with slices of mushrooms going into a pot on the stove

    15. A rotating counter top oven for ~evenly~ cooking all sorts of frozen goodies without overcooking them because "cooking" sometimes means clearing out your freeze of the stuff that's been in there awhile.

    rotating cooker with wings, pizza, and loaded baked potato skins on it

    16. And silicone baking mats so you don't have to scrape those sheet pans clean or worry about your meal getting burnt. Folks use this for everything from cookies to pies to pizza to roasted veggies. They'll also help you seriously cut down on aluminum foil and parchment paper usage.

    17. An aluminum sheet pan for roasting a pan full of veggies or finally putting all those sheet pan dinners to use. (I promise you that roasting veggies is v easy.)

    sheet pan of asparagus and lemon slices

    18. TJ's everything bagel seasoning to dump all over your scrambled eggs, sandwiches, really most whatever. It'll take your impromptu DIY meals up a notch with a shake of your wrist.

    hand  holding the bottle of seasoning

    19. A produce dicer that'll make onion tears and food prep mess a thing of the past! This way you won't waste so much energy on spiralizing or chopping, a fool's errand! (Jk, but this'll make it way easier.)

    20. A Pig of the Month Club subscription – it comes with lots o' meaty options that are all but ready for ya'. You don't have to start from scratch when it comes to cooking! Here's to the hard work having been already done for some amazing ribs.

    pork chops grilling on a grill

    21. And while we're on the subject, some tangy Memphis-style BBQ sauce you'll want to pour over basically everything on your dinner plate.

    22. An air fryer a colleague swears by to dupe those fast-food favorites that have kept you from learning how to perfect some homemade recipes.

    the air fryer

    23. A fish turner to help you FINALLY make a decent salmon filet at home that still looks presentable. It'll also be clutch for transferring hot gooey cookies from the baking sheet.

    the fish turner with a salmon filet on a frying pan

    24. A rice cooker big enough to make 6 cups of rice but take up just a teensy bit of counter space. If you've ever messed up a pot of rice 1) I can relate 2) this story is for YOU.

    25. And if all else fails you can try some Fresh & Ready Sun Basket meal kits you just simply pop in the oven, then do some very low-lift effort to finish it off like combine it with a sauce or sprinkle with a freshly cut lime. It's almost *too* easy.

    bowl of butter rice with chicken

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