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If You Do These 13 Things, You'll Definitely Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Tip #1: You still have time to get started.

Recently, we asked the magical members of the BuzzFeed Community who actually manage to keep their New Year's resolutions how they do it. Here are their best tips and tricks...

1. Good news! You don't actually have to start your resolutions on the first day of the year. In fact, it's better if you don't.

2. But when you DO start working on your resolutions, make sure the items on your list are positive rather than negative.

3. Instead of throwing yourself in at the deep end, set smaller, more attainable goals.

4. Write down your resolutions, and stick them in a place you know you'll see them. (You can even make it pretty!)

5. If it's necessary, treat yourself to some shiny new things that'll help keep you on track.

6. Don't worry about what other people think. Sometimes staying within your comfort zone is a good thing.

7. Tell someone – like a friend, family member, or even social media – about your resolution so they can hold you accountable.

8. Or try downloading an app that helps with your specific goal, whether it's getting healthier, reading more, or drinking more water.

9. When you're feeling unmotivated, look back at your progress throughout the year and appreciate how far you've come.

10. When you hit a milestone, treat yourself to a mini reward.

11. Don't beat yourself up if you don't immediately succeed.

12. Allow yourself to move goalposts if your situation or priorities change.

13. And remember, the new year isn't the only time you can make resolutions!

Note: Submissions may have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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