Liza Koshy Revealed, Once And For All, That She's A VSCO Girl


    This is Liza Koshy, queen of YouTube, star of Liza On Demand, kick-ass correspondent of the Met Gala, and inventor of aesthetically pleasing Instagram grids.

    At this very moment, you can enjoy a carefully curated video of Liza Koshy playing with adorable puppies for approximately eight minutes and thirty-nine seconds.

    View this video on YouTube

    Time well spent, IMO.

    In the video, Liza revealed the secret to her aesthetically pleasing Instagram account. In case you haven't seen it, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever scrolled through.

    What is her secret, you may ask? None other than the infamous VSCO APP!

    But, in that same breath, she made this harrowing confession!

    We need to get this girl some scrunchies and a pair of Birkenstocks, ASAP!

    Can't get enough of Liza? Well, make sure to catch Liza on her hit show, Liza On Demand, airing every Wednesday on YouTube!