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Ava Michelle Being In "Tall Girl" After Getting Kicked Off "Dance Moms" For Being Too Tall Is My Kind Of Irony

Words cannot describe...

ICYMI, this past weekend, Netflix dropped its latest teen flick, Tall Girl.

Well, today I was minding my own business when my attention was brought to this harrowing tweet:

The gal from tall girl was kicked out of Abby lees dance studio because she was tall. I’m shaken

I, too, am shaken.

At first I was like, "No way is this true!" And then I came across the video, and my goodness, it's worse than I thought.

View this video on YouTube

Via youtube.com

The clip starts with a flashback of Abby Lee kicking Ava Michelle (Tall Girl) and Jeanette (Average Mom) out of the dance studio the FIRST time.

When Ava and Jeanette came back, I THOUGHT Abby was going to welcome them back with open arms...

...but NO! Instead, Abby TOOK THE JACKET OFF OF AVA'S BACK and declared that she was cut from the team.

To make matters WORSE, she had Ava stand next to another dancer to really drive home how tall she is.

Icing on the cake.

Well, joke's on you, Abby Lee! What you considered to be a disadvantage landed her the lead in a Netflix movie, so keep doing you, Ava! Don't let the haters bring you down!