People Are Sharing How Their Parents Met And It's Melting My Cold And Bitter Heart

    Dating before Tinder sounds lovely tbh.

    On Tuesday night writer Nicole Cliffe asked her followers on Twitter to share the story of how their parents met.

    @Nicole_Cliffe / Via Twitter: @Nicole_Cliffe

    Some people met through accidents.

    @Nicole_Cliffe My dad got on the wrong bus and saw my mom, proceeded to keep taking the wrong bus for months to wor…

    @baddestmamajama / Via Twitter: @baddestmamajama

    For others it was love at first beer.

    Of course there were some high school sweethearts.

    @Nicole_Cliffe High school sweethearts. They had just celebrated their 50th anniversary when my mom died. Here they…

    @sosumi2 / Via Twitter: @sosumi2

    And honestly this story sounds like an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

    @Nicole_Cliffe My dad was a cop. My mom a lawyer. She yelled at him about paperwork. He thought she was feisty. Sto…

    @La__Cuen / Via Twitter: @La__Cuen

    But make no mistake, it wasn't just men who made the first moves.

    In fact there were several ladies who took matters into their own hands.

    While each story may be different, the all have on thing in common.

    @Nicole_Cliffe mom placed an ad for a man in the classified, dad answered. he proposed by poem in the same ad secti…

    @kateandries / Via Twitter: @kateandries

    When you know, you know.

    Gotta go buy some ice cream and cry now.