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31 Pictures From 2017 That Are So Stupid You'll Feel Dumber For Looking

The absolute dumbest things that happened this year (besides, ya know, everything).

1. This comforting thought:

2. This important distinction:

3. Car repair:

4. Important questions:

5. Inconvenient sunshine:

6. Tonight's dinner:

7. A casual euthanizing:

8. Trippy numbers:

9. Important scientific discoveries:

10. Floor problems:

11. Imagination:

12. Tomorrow's dinner:

13. Bulletproof conspiracies:

14. Habla gations:

15. Good ol'-fashioned patriotism:

16. Spooky math:

17. Healthy reminders:

18. The beginning of the Flat Mars Society:

19. Head injuries:

20. Blind communications:

21. Fine art sales:

22. Carrot prep:

23. The ultimate comparison:

24. The true difference between the two:

25. Eclipse super powers:

26. Braille driving:

27. Number revelations:

28. Map games:

29. A wee bit of measuring:

30. Delicious milk:

31. And, finally, the fake-ass universe:

32. For more Best of 2017 content, click here!