15 Accidental Hipsters From Old TV And Movies

    ...before it was cool.

    Sometimes you're watching an old TV show or movie and you notice a character that has the exact same style as one of today's hipsters.

    for example...

    1. The Gelfings from The Dark Crystal

    2. Gozer from Ghostbusters

    3. Al Pacino in Serpico

    4. Sunni Gummi from Gummi Bears

    5. Urkel

    6. Adrian from Rocky

    7. Brainy Smurf

    8. "Warriors, come out and playyyy" guy from The Warriors

    9. Yukon Cornelius from Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer

    10. Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws

    11. Velma and Shaggy from Scooby Doo

    Looks like: she's a DJ on a freeform college radio station and he helps out at the farm-share co-op.

    12. Sylvester Stallone in Nighthawks

    13. Boober from Fraggle Rock

    14. Forrest Gump when he was running across the country.