"The Sex Lives Of College Girls" And 10 Other College TV Shows I'm Begging You To Watch

    Mindy Kaling's new HBO series made me realize there are fewer (excellent) college TV shows than I previously thought.

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    Mindy Kaling’s new show, The Sex Lives of College Girls (the first two eps of which are now available to stream on HBO Max), takes us into the world of the fictional, elite Essex College. And let me tell you: In an endless sea of TV shows about high school, it's a relief to see one finally sit with the confusing in-between phase of life that follows — and do it well.

    Four female college freshmen "cheers" with shot glasses. Three are happy. One in the middle looks apprehensive.
    Four female college freshmen hug while laughing.

    1. Community (2009–2015)

    A group of seven community college students stand behind a podium, in front of a crowd. One woman talks into the podium's microphone.

    2. Greek (2007–2011)

    A college-aged sister and brother look serious talking in a science lab.

    3. Grown-ish (2018–)

    Five female college students take a selfie in an empty dorm room.

    4. Scream Queens (2015–2016)

    Four sorority girls stand in a fancy sorority house. One yells at another, the other two stand behind the yelling one angry in agreement.

    5. Felicity (1998–2002)

    A college-aged man and woman sit on a bed. He gazes longingly at her.

    6. The Magicians (2015–2020)

    A man in a white shirt covered in blood stands looking at something calmly. A young woman behind him appears scared.

    7. Gilmore Girls (2000–2007)

    A college-aged woman stands in a busy newsroom. She is on her cellphone, holding it and a pen in one hand and a stack of papers in her other hand.

    8. Normal People (2020)

    Two high school seniors, one boy on girl, stand in their grey school uniform, wearing ties. They stand very close to each other face to face with both longing and sad expressions.

    9. Dear White People (2017–2021)

    A college woman sits on a dark couch in a dark room. She holds a lit-up cellphone in her hand. She looks off-screen, appearing worried.

    10. Hello, My Twenties! (2016–2017)

    Two Korean women stand in a kitchen making breakfast.