Macaulay Culkin's Face Mask...LOOOOOL


    Macaulay Culkin is very good at the internet.

    Macaulay Culkin smiling, wearing glasses

    Just a couple months ago, with just a simple tweet, he managed to make over half a million people laugh and then say, "GOD I'M OLD."

    Hey guys, wanna feel old? I'm 40. You're welcome.

    And when Disney announced it had a reimagining of Home Alone in the works, he came back with the perfect response.

    This is what an updated Home Alone would actually look like.

    And today, he had a very funny and timely PSA for the world about wearing a mask while wearing his very own ABSOLUTELY PERFECT mask.

    Just staying Covid-safe wearing by the flayed skin of my younger self. Don't forget to wear your masks, kids.

    Yes. That's MAC wearing a face mask version of his iconic "surprised face" from Home Alone.

    If you were a kid/alive in the early '90s, you'll probably remember how FAMOUS his hands-on-cheeks gag became.

    And while I'm sure he got tired of doing that back in the day, it's cute to see Macaulay re-embracing this magic moment. And a lot of other people are being hit right in the nostalgic feels, too:

    @IncredibleCulk Man, this is one of the most iconic frames on cinema of all times. I still remember it when I'm shaving and I know the after shave is gonna hurt.

    @IncredibleCulk I guess this is the closest we get to him making the face again.

    Of course, some people found the face mask a little disturbing:

    @IncredibleCulk Honestly this freaked me out when I saw it before reading the text to the point in which I lost balance and fell off my chair 😅😅😅😅

    But mostly, they were loving it (myself included):

    Macaulay Culkin wins the Covid mask contest 😷😂

    You guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more?

    Macaulay Culkin wearing a face mask with the hands around the face from Home Alone