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Let's Settle This Debate: Is Kylo Ren Hot?

Ky-love or Ky-loathe?

With the recent release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, it has come to light that many, many people have very, very strong feelings about Kylo Ren.

Some are good:

I need to see more shirtless kylo in IX, JJ! 😂😍 #reylo #rey #kyloren

Is this a safe space to admit I have a fully formed crush on kylo ren

That shirtless kylo ren scene though

And some, well, not so much:

I don’t get the big fuss. Kylo Ren was also shirtless in like every episode of #Girls. #TheLastJedi

kylo ren is like loki..... like everyone loves him but i dont get it

here is my firm stance: kylo ren is NOT hot, at all, ever

So, you guys, let's do this. Let's settle this debate once and for all.