17 Jokes That Will Probably Piss-Off Your Partner, But Only For Like A Second

    Actually, you can probably try these on anyone, but good luck!

    1. Strategically placing a creepy printout of the girl from The Grudge in your laundry room.

    2. Recreating an iconic scene from Saw II with your husband's keys for ~funsies~.

    3. Leaving some beautiful artwork on the toilet paper for your loved one.

    4. Or replacing the toilet roll with a lint roller altogether.

    5. Parking your partner's car sideways in the garage.

    6. Or rolling down their car window, placing broken glass on the ground, and staging the area.

    7. Shaving "abs" onto your stomach after your S.O. tells you they like six packs.

    8. Taping a fake bat inside the lamp on your partner's side of the bed.

    9. Asking your spouse if they'd like a cup of tea and offering them a literal cup full of "T" instead.

    10. Printing out a photo of your face, putting it in a jar, then filling the jar with green water.

    11. Writing a lovely message on your S.O.'s back with sunscreen.

    12. Shattering your partner's sex dreams with a strategically folded "good for one" coupon.

    13. Printing out this specific image of Bruce Willis from Die Hard, putting it in your vents, then asking your partner to change the air filters.

    14. Placing your foot on the scale as your loved one weighs themselves at JUST the right time.

    15. Placing a popper under the toilet seat so your spouse can literally shit themselves.

    16. Hiding in a garbage bag next to the garbage and then jumping at your S.O.

    17. And finally, buying your loved one THIS advice book.