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The Art Of Lucy Fitch Perkins

Lucy Fitch Perkins (1865-1937) was a prolific illustrator of early 20th century children's books. She is best known for her Twins series, but some of her most beautiful illustrations appeared in now-obscure fairy tale collections. Here's a sampling of her artwork that heretofore hasn't been seen on the web.

Holland, 1945

The Dutch people had a tumultuous 1945 as they lived through the gruesome final moments of the last great war only to find themselves fully liberated mere months later. Here are 45 photographs of Holland in 1945 from the fall of hell to the rise of freedom and make sure to listen to one of the greatest songs ever written with the same name as this post while you view these.

Todd Van Luling 12 years ago

How to Get a Boyfriend (1955)

It's Time You Knew was a popular sex education and dating manual written by Gladys Denny Shultz in 1955. Like most publications of its ilk, it weighed in on the women and sandwiches issue, offering perhaps the most comprehensive stance on sandwiches vs. hot dogs that I've ever seen. Also, is it just me, or is there a subtext here?

Football: A Game For Gentlemen

In 1910 the rules for football were revised with the hope that eliminating violent plays would make the game more dignified. Enter Edward H. Coy, 1909 Captain of the Yale football team. Coy was keen to remind everyone that a gentlemanly sport was surely not an "effeminate" one. His solution? An article on football etiquette.

When I Grow Up

W. W. Denslow is best known for illustrating L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but he was a talented artist responsible for a number of books and cartoons. In 1909, he wrote and illustrated When I Grow Up, which appeared in St. Nicholas Magazine and as a stand-alone publication. The book is difficult to find these days, but here's a sampling of the color plates so you too might appreciate Denslow's craft.

Brooklyn, Summer, 1974

From the National Archives, here's a collection of vintage photos taken by Danny Lyons during the summer of 1974.

The BrewMaster 12 years ago

Millerism And The Great Disappointment

Harold Camping isn't the first self-proclaimed prophet to calculate a date for the rapture. In 1833, William Miller predicted the rapture would occur around 1843. The Millerite movement gradually gained followers in the early 1840s, culminating in the Great Disappointment when Jesus failed to appear in October, 1844. Despite their disappointment, the Millerites made some interesting theological charts. Take a moment and check them out.

Baby Praying Mantis 12 years ago

Short Visual History Of Tattoo Tools

As long as people have wanted to piss off their parents be part of a social group, there have been tattoos. Part of the human condition for over 5,000 years, tattoo tools have come in variety of shapes and sizes. However, they all share one trait. (Hint: They're pointy)

Donna Dickens 13 years ago

18 Insane Mugshots From The Twenties

These mugshots were found and restored to a hauntingly high quality. All these mugshots are from Australian criminals and offenders, circa 1920. (Via)

AwesomeRobo 13 years ago

Beautiful Old Playing Cards

Pick a card, any card. Although, I'd like to pick all these cards. Antique playing cards are charming to look at, aren't they? If you'd like to know more about the history of playing cards, or would just like to ogle more old decks, check out The World of Playing Cards.

Baby Praying Mantis 13 years ago

Rapping Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter

The year was 1989. Inexplicably, Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter, councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, federal judge Renee Cardwell Hughes, and pals attended Leadership Inc.'s 30 anniversary.

Josh Fjelstad 13 years ago