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What’s The Wildest Thing An Actor Did To Prepare For A Role?

Removing a perfectly healthy tooth for a movie role is pretty wild to me.

Last night, I was shocked to discover that Natalie Portman had to endure a diet of just carrots and almonds, trained hard for eight hours a day for five months, and lost 20 pounds just for a role in Black Swan.

So now I'm curious: what are some of the wildest things you've ever heard that an actor did to prepare themselves for a role?

Maybe they changed basically everything about their life and moved overseas, like Adrien Brody did for The Pianist.

Or maybe the actor made drastic changes to mirror the life of their character like Robert Pattinson did for Good Time.

It could even be an actor who took severe physical risks to embody a role, like Leonardo Dicaprio in The Revenant.

Whatever extreme thing the actor did to prepare, we want to hear about it from you. Use the comments below to tell us about the wildest thing an actor has done for a movie role.

The best submissions will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!