17 Failed Attempts At Being Cool And Relatable To Young People That'll Make You LOL

    SWAG = Students Who Achieve Goals.

    1. Look, I love a good acronym and not encouraging drugs, but c'mon.

    2. Fortnite? Sure. Cardi B? Fine. The #okurrrr? Please don't.

    3. W8, how is this ac2ly a page in a r3al sch00l science book?

    4. A police force posted this and I can't tell if it's a good trash meme or a trash trash meme.

    5. And here's this police department's much worse attempt at being relatable:

    6. [Softly] "Don't." — Source: Michael Scott in The Office Season 3, Episode 3 "The Coup"

    7. This grocery store is using memes to sell produce.

    8. This birthday card that's just 🤢.

    9. What does the person trying to enforce rules but also connect with teens say?

    10. Look at this tweet.

    #CuzWeCare: Our officers had a great time 'doing the dap' and talking public safety with the kids from the Lyndon School in West Roxbury.

    11. You had me at "promo code," you lost me at "ayeeee."

    12. This sign on the door of a US Army recruiter.


    14. Who talks like this?

    15. Here's the weather trying to grab the attention of youths!

    16. Here are some modern slang terms on candy hearts for some reason.

    17. Finally, this real AF ad that had me lmaoooo!

    H/T r/fellowkids