Happy 10-Year Anniversary To Iron Man, The Best Avenger

    It's been AN ENTIRE DECADE since we were introduced to the world's favorite genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

    Ten years ago today, the cinematic world was introduced to the best Avenger: Iron Man, aka Tony Stark.

    The first Iron Man film is responsible for revamping the entire superhero genre!

    Once we saw Tony put his brilliant mind to work making the first suit, Mark I, our hearts would never be the same.

    Tony, the Iron Man suit, and the MCU have come a looong way since then.

    Tony Stark has made us laugh.

    He's made us cry.

    And sweet lord, he's made us thirst.

    Seriously, so much thirst.

    Every MCU film since Iron Man has been like a little gift from Tony...

    ...including all of the joy and heartbreak we've experienced since then.

    So thank you for everything, Tony Stark. We love you.