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What Should All Newbies Should Know Before Hitting The Gym?

Also, what exactly do you do with a barbell? Asking for a friend.

The gym is a pretty happening place this time of year...

Which can make it a little intimidating for any beginners who have no idea WTF they are doing.

The ~gymtimidation~ struggle can be very real.

So whether you're a gym regular or a fellow newbie, we want to hear your secrets for feeling more confident in this space.

Maybe you start with something you know you're good at while you figure out your plan of attack for the weight room.

Maybe you choose a workout outfit that's so on point nobody would ever doubt you're a gym rat.

Or maybe you just make sure to re-rack weights like it's your job because EVERYONE appreciates that.

So tell us: What is one thing all newbies should know before hitting the gym?

Share your advice in the comments and it might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post.