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    30 Awesome Gifts To Get People Who Wear Glasses

    Because we glasses people need love too!

    1. A glasses pendant necklace to stylishly rep wearing glasses with pride.

    2. Zeiss Pre-Moistened Lens Cleaning Wipes perfect for those who never clean their glasses! These wipes will easily remove dirt from lenses with a streak-free finish.

    3. A plush-lined eyeglass holder will help keep glasses in one place at home so they won't keep misplacing them. The holder also protects lenses from scratches, dirt, and residue.

    4. A sarcasm glasses T-shirt for those who are always getting asked, "Are those real glasses?" — why yes, they are.

    5. A glasses lapel pin to enhance any spectacle wearer's wardrobe.

    6. A hand-carved rosewood nose spectacle holder — it can double as an office desk organizer and a secure place to hold reading glasses.

    7. An handmade eyeglasses journal — it'll be great for writers who just love writing — and their glasses, of course!

    8. Anti-slip hooks perfect for those whose glasses keep falling or moving during their favorite activities.

    9. An eyeglasses scarf to add eye-popping color to any outfit.

    10. A personalized engraved eyeglass case — it'll tell your four-eyed friends or family how much you care.

    11. A mini nose pad toolkit — it'll come in ~handy~ for anyone who needs to repair their favorite frames.

    12. A stemless wine glass awesome for that friend that loves wine and their specs.

    13. Nerdwax made of natural ingredients that'll keep glasses in place on your face no matter what!

    14. An eyeglasses charm bracelet — it can be personalized with your loved one's birthstone and initial for a gift they'll never forget.

    15. A reusable microfiber cleaning brush that'll be great for those who need to clean their glasses on the go.

    16. Eyewear chains stylish enough to wear as jewelry while ensuring your glasses stay with you at all times.

    17. An eye chart necktie for those who have to see the optometrist every year (unfortunately, me)!

    18. A spectacles necktie clip — an awesome addition to any outfit.

    19. Stainless steel glasses shirt clips — a great stocking stuffer for those who need to keep their glasses with them at all times.

    20. A personalized eyeglass coffee mug for all the four-eyed coffee lovers out there (me, again)!

    21. Silicone temple tip sleeves to alleviate pressure from wearing glasses while providing anti-slip qualites.

    22. A cat with glasses lapel pin just because cats in glasses are super cute!

    23. A handmade wood glasses bowtie for a fun playful touch to wear at any occasion.

    24. Oakley's hydrophobic lens cleaner kit to keep anyone's lenses clean while being able to repel dirt, water, and oils without affecting the optical precision.

    25. 3D clip-on glasses that'll help your spectacled friend comfortably watch 3D movies without having to put the plastic theater glasses on top of their prescription frames.

    26. A felt cat-eye glasses brooch pin to wear on a jacket or blazer for a stylish retro look.

    27. A French bulldog with glasses pillow cover to add a little pop of color to any room!

    28. 42 clear reading glasses stickers because who can ever have enough of stickers?!

    29. A reading glasses keychain that can easily be whipped out for quick reading without having to put on and carry frames.

    30. Finally. eye chart exam or glasses frames cookie cutters for optician and spectacle-themed desserts.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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