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    37 "Facts" And Things That Everyone Between The Ages Of 32 And 39 Knows

    If you don't know who JTT is, then you shouldn't click on this post!

    1. All the words to "Wonderwall.”

    2. That the Fashion Club is the original Plastics.

    3. That every tween, teen, and young adult smelled like CK One for, like, two years straight.

    4. The satisfaction you got while screaming along to Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know."

    5. How — before Lady Gaga was the queen of reinvention, RiRi the queen of not giving any fucks, and Taylor Swift the queen of media manipulation — Madonna did it all first and better.

    6. That Muppet Babies is the best cartoon series ever.

    7. That even though He-Man and She-Ra were brother and sister, you'd ship it.

    8. The joy of coming home to an empty house and being able to log onto the internet without any interruptions.

    9. Assuming that the condoms TLC were wearing on their clothes were fried eggs.

    10. Having one of these and feeling like it was the ULTIMATE sound system.

    11. The struggle of finding a song that perfectly fit in the remaining minutes you had left on cassette when making a mixtape.

    12. Not being able to get over the moment when Stephen slapped Irene on The Real World: Seattle.

    Seriously crazy to this day. 😑

    13. And not being able to get over the moment when Michael Jackson kissed Lisa Marie Presley on stage at the 1994 VMAs.

    14. The deep-down feeling that you could totally beat the obstacle course on Double Dare.

    15. That no cartoon had a better theme song than DuckTales.

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    You're probably singing it in your head right now.

    16. That Umbro made the coolest shorts around — and that you basically wore them whenever the weather permitted.

    17. The cultural impact and importance of Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

    18. How E! was basically softcore porn after 10 p.m.

    And also that Talk Soup (hosted by John Henson) was the original way to watch viral videos.

    19. The little pleasure you got when you perfectly danced the Macarena.

    20. The jealousy you felt when your friend got a beeper.

    21. The excitement you felt when you'd hear the TGIF song.

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    It was all about Perfect Strangers, Full House, Family Matters, Step by Step, Dinosaurs, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, and Boy Meets World.

    22. That the Misfits were way cooler and better than Jem and the Holograms.

    23. The shock and titillation you felt when you discovered the penis on the cover of the Little Mermaid VHS.

    It was the great urban myth you got to see for your very own eyes.

    24. The hysteria that happened when Napster launched.

    And also the struggle of downloading MP3s on dial-up.

    25. How people passionately/intensely took sides on the East Coast vs. West Coast hip hop fight.

    People had STRONG feelings.

    26. That there was no bigger status symbol as kid/teen than having your own landline.

    27. The anguish you felt when you realized you didn't program your VCR right and that you now totally missed the show you wanted to see.

    And then having to wait till summer to see the rerun of it.

    28. How cool you felt wearing a hip hop Looney Tunes T-shirt.

    29. The importance and genuine talent of Aaliyah.

    30. How serene you felt looking up at your bedroom ceiling lit up with glow-in-the-dark stars.

    31. How much of a game-changer The WB was.

    32. How IMPORTANT and ICONIC this duet was.

    33. That there will never be a greater athlete than Michael Jordan.

    34. The struggle of trying to watch scrambled porn.

    35. How when you grew up you wanted to be a cool adult like on Friends.

    36. The little satisfaction you got in blowing into your Nintendo cartridge in order to get it to work.

    37. And finally, immediately beginning to sing, "Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down..." in your head whenever you think of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.