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40 Things That'll Make Any '90s Kid Say, "This Is What Christmas Used To Be Like And I Miss It"

When all you need was a Toys 'R' Us holiday catalog and Home Alone to get you into the holiday spirit.

1. Getting excited whenever Nickelodeon would start airing its holiday-themed episodes.

2. Watching random-ass old cartoon Christmas specials on Cartoon Network.

3. Totally making sure you knew when A Charlie Brown Christmas was airing 'cause it was the only time you could see it.

4. Seeing this commercial play every five minutes when you were watching cartoons and being able to recite it by ha-ha-heart.

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5. And being able to hear the Hershey's Kisses commercial in your head before it even started.

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6. Trying to collect as many holiday Beanie Babies as you could.

7. Looking forward to the Toys 'R' Us holiday catalog — that would come in the newspaper — so that you could see all the new toys that were being released.

8. Flipping directly to the toy sections in the Sears Wish Book and JCPenney holiday catalog, so that you could circle all the toys you wanted (in hopes that your parents would see and secretly buy you them all).

9. Getting into the holiday spirit by watching these classics over and over.

10. And, of course, arguing with your friends over which one of these holiday classics was the better one:

11. Really wanting Campbell's Soup whenever you watched this commercial.

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12. Being pretty terrified of the Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie 'cause that pipe organ was creepy AF (but still watching it 'cause it was the only sequel to Beauty and the Beast).

13. Seeing one of these ceramic Christmas tree lamps when you went to your grandma's, but knowing not to touch it 'cause they were HOT!

14. And seeing that one Christmas decoration — (usually an angel) that your grandma didn't put away all year — actually look like it belonged.

15. Begging for a Furby for Christmas.

16. And begging for a Tamagotchi for Christmas, but instead getting a knock-off one.

17. Being excited whenever the Gap's kickass holiday commercials came on.

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18. And really wanting Old Navy's performance fleece for Christmas — because the commercials made it sound like YOU NEEDED ONE.

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19. Thinking this tasted totally different than the regular versions, but really they just tasted the same.

20. Getting giddy when TGIF would air its holiday episodes.

21. Staring at the animated Santa Claus decoration your parents would put out and thinking it was some sort of amazing animatronic (it wasn't and was always loud AF).

22. Feeling like you were a chef whenever you made oh-so-yummy slice-and-bake cookies.

23. Having to help your parents untangle these old-school Christmas lights:

24. Playing with the Christmas ornaments before you put them on the tree.

25. Asking your parents to buy cool new ornaments, but really so that you could play with them.

26. Thinking it was so cool that Penny Marshall and Rosie O'Donnell got to hang out in a giant room surrounded by toys in the Kmart commercials (and being a little jealous of that).

27. Being mesmerized by the computer animation in the Coca-Cola polar bears commercials.

28. Making your parents take you to these stores so that you could see if there were some things you forgot to ask for.

29. Begging your parents to take you to Toys 'R' Us (so that you could see what toys you wanted to add to your Christmas list)...

30. ...and sorta regretting it 'cause the crowds were always INSANE.

31. Getting into a festive mood by singing along to this video:

32. Feeling uber-cool if your parents allowed you to email your Christmas list to Santa.

33. Reading what your parents wrote about you (specifically what you had accomplished over the last year) in your family's Christmas letter that they would mail out.

34. Finding a Life Savers book from Santa in your stocking.

35. Getting excited whenever a relative gave you Geoffrey Bucks.

36. Being disappointed whenever a relative got you gift certificates to places you couldn't get toys at.

37. Listening to these albums over and over.

38. And of course, listening to this CLASSIC on repeat for the entire holiday season.

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39. Getting pissed if you had to share your N64 or Playstation present with your siblings.

40. And finally, having your parents take awkward photos or camcorder video of you opening your gifts on Christmas morning that you wouldn't see until months later and totally hate.