If You Don't Recognize Any Of These 35 Things, Then You Weren't A Teen In 2000

    Back when there was no social media — and the only online drama was on AIM.

    1. Thinking you were hot shiz 'cause you had an Angelfire page...

    2. ...and a Hotmail email address that was ~racy~.

    3. Being completely obsessed with all the ~drama~ on The Real World: New Orleans...

    4. ...and all the crazy adventures on Road Rules: Maximum Velocity Tour.

    5. Having either a love or hate relationship with Abercrombie & Fitch.

    6. Feeling so satisfied any time you had to clean your mouse.

    7. And freaking the hell out if you accidentally played a song on your computer speakers without realizing that it was on full volume.

    8. Making sure you tuned into TRL every afternoon to see where your favorite video landed and which celeb was going to be on.

    9. Yelling at the TV when people answered the question wrong on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

    10. Watching Survivor together with your family — and not being able to get enough of it 'cause you had never seen a TV show like it before.

    11. Running home after school to immediately jump on AIM to talk with your friends.

    12. The strangely reassuring feeling you would get feeling the heat of the computer tower on your leg.

    13. Setting up a download queue on LimeWire before you'd go to bed.

    14. Seeing the "money guy" commercials playing nonstop and having no idea what they were about.

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    15. Getting super interested in ancient Rome after seeing Gladiator for the first time.

    16. Loving Bring It On and not being able to stop quoting it.

    17. Hearing Santana's "Smooth"...

    18. ...and Faith Hill's "Breathe" EVERYWHERE (but especially in the car with your mom).

    19. Bawling your eyes out at the finale of Boy Meets World.

    20. And thinking Malcom in the Middle was the most bonkers and also most relatable show ever.

    21. Thinking Sony MiniDiscs were the coolest thing ever and that they would be the future of music.

    22. Begging your parents for an iMac 'cause it was still the coolest-designed thing you had ever laid your eyes on.

    23. Also begging your parents for a cellphone (but really more 'cause you wanted a Nokia 3310 cellphone).

    24. Having to watch Sex and the City behind your parents' back 'cause you knew they wouldn't approve of you watching it.

    25. Thinking you were oh-so cool because you had a one-strap backpack.

    26. Singing along to Destiny's Child's "Say My Name" and feeling like it was your anthem (even though no one had ever cheated on you in your life).

    27. As well as learning all the choreo from the "Say My Name" video.

    28. And also learning the choreo to NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye."

    29. Being low-key obsessed with Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake being a couple.

    30. And being low-key floored by Britney's amazing "Oops!... I Did It Again" performance at the 2000 VMAs.

    31. Also being floored by J.Lo looking amazing in the green Versace dress (it was a moment!).

    32. Wanting a robot dog 'cause it seemed like the future.

    33. And hoping your family would get a DVD player 'cause it literally was the coolest technology at the time.

    34. Fighting with your siblings over what movie you guys would rent whenever you went to Blockbuster Video.

    35. And finally, playing The Sims and not realizing just how many hours would fly by as you played.