16 Hilariously Awful Disney Knockoffs

    These treasures happen when you wish upon an unlicensed star.

    1. I guess Bambi is teaching kids about ~nature~ -- although he's male, so I really don't know what the hell is going on here!

    2. Um. I don't what princess this is supposed to be?

    3. Seriously, what horrors did they suffer before being thrown into this claw machine grave?!

    4. This Pooh looks like he belongs on Faces of Meth:

    5. Speaking of Faces of Meth, what the hell is going on with Mickey here?!

    6. Who wouldn't be into a ~sexy~ Olaf-inspired costume on Halloween?

    7. Stitch looks like he is wondering why he has a face on his ass:

    8. Yeah, nothing creepy about those light-up eyes:

    9. On the plus side, it does seem like Mickey's making a statement about safe sex:

    10. YIKES! This vintage unauthorized Mickey was out for blood:

    11. If you ever wondered what a sleazy, drunk, lewd Woody would look like, you have an answer:

    12. This tweaker Buzz seems to be enjoying himself a little too much:

    13. To be fair, this is a more accurate representation of a mouse:

    14. I feel like current-day Miley Cyrus would really dig this product:

    15. The most terrifying part of this Beast costume has to be those low hangers he has instead of chin:

    16. ???!!!!???!!!