How Has Nobody Noticed Jimmy Kimmel Turning Into A Low-Key Daddy?

    Until now, because I'm about to wake you all the fuck up.

    So today's been a pretty normal day – nothing really extraordinary has happened. Well, except maybe one thing: I realised Jimmy Kimmel has flicked his daddy switch on.

    Let me say it again in case that wasn't clear: JIMMY GODDAMN KIMMEL HAS TURNED INTO THE ULTIMATE GODDAMN DADDY.

    Like, father my children pls.

    This raises some questions, like how did nobody notice Jimmy sneaking into the exclusive, members only "Daddy Me" club?

    Obviously it has a little something to do with the whole ~bearded papi~ thing.

    But now he's just 100% prime dad.

    The beard's actually been a thing for a while. Here it is in September last year, when Jimmy was being actual dad, not just daddy.

    But anyway, that's the hot take for today: You were sleeping on Daddy Kimmel. I hope you are all woke now. The end.