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Ryan Reynolds Joked About Blake Lively's Birth Control After She Roasted His Quarantine Haircut

Nice ponytail, Ryan!

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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are kind of known for savagely roasting each other from time to time, and that hasn't stopped just because we're all currently in lockdown!

Yep, like the rest of us, the A-list couple are hunkered down at home with their family, including their three daughters and Blake's mom.

Earlier this month, Ryan opened up about quarantining with his wife, kids, and mother-in-law, joking that he didn't miss "masculine company," because, well, men are kinda terrible.

Ryan added that he'd been doing basically whatever his daughters want to pass the time, including making and wearing dresses out of tissue paper. Sounds chic!

But, in the same interview, Ryan tentatively revealed he was in need of a haircut and that Blake had offered to take on the task. I guess you could say he was a little concerned...

"She's done this once before," Ryan said. "It took two and a half hours, and then at the end it looked like she'd done the whole thing using only a lighter."

Well, the next time we saw Ryan a couple of weeks later, he appeared to have had a slight trim. And it didn't look too shabby!

But Blake decided to ~gently~ troll Ryan over the weekend, posting a picture of the Deadpool actor with a rather fetching quarantine ponytail.

"I dare you to forget this every time you see him for the rest of eternity," Blake wrote alongside the picture, taking the roast to a whole new level. She meant business!

Obviously, Ryan, who's not exactly a shrinking violet, wasn't going to take this trolling lying down. He immediately quipped back.

This isn't the first time that Ryan and Blake have trolled each other during the lockdown. Last month, after revealing that they were donating $1 million to two food banks, Blake signed off her statement with a dig at Ryan and his apparent attempt to practice "emotional distancing" from his mother-in-law.

"Can someone please tell Ryan that 'emotional distancing' from his mother in law is not a thing," Blake joked. "Nothing can save him."

A couple who roast together stay together. Huh!

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