14 Inevitable Things That Happen When You're The Designated Feminist In The Room

    Spoiler alert: it's exhausting.

    1. Accept it: If you're the "designated feminist" in your office, friend group, or family, you're always on call.

    2. People expect you to be an encyclopedia and official standard bearer of feminism and will come to you with the weirdest questions.

    3. People will relentlessly question your daily choices just because you identify as feminist.

    4. You're often introduced to new people as the "feminist friend," which is both weirdly cool but also annoying.

    5. And while you love answering questions and helping to educate people about feminism, some days you just want to like...chill out and talk about lunch.

    6. But boy, do people looooove coming to you for relationship advice.

    7. And god forbid you try to take a break from the news cycle — because everyone wants to talk to you about all the awful news, all the freakin' time.

    8. Some of your male colleagues and friends just start getting instinctively defensive around you.

    9. And whenever someone makes a sexist joke in front of you, they immediately pretend to laugh it off.

    10. When you're truly sick of explaining, ya know, basic equality to everyone, you send them to your fave resource:

    11. You'll get called a "feminazi" at least once.

    12. Once in a while, a feminist guy will end up saying something you said like two years ago, and everyone will be hilariously impressed by how woke he is.

    13. And because you're just glad people are finally getting on the bandwagon, you won't even say anything about it.

    14. And sure, maybe you do end up losing relationships and coming off as "uptight," but you know that speaking up for your beliefs is 10000% worth it.

    This post was translated from Spanish.