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How Not To Be A Dick In Goa This New Year’s

As you descend on Goa with your aviators, chappals, and party spirit this holiday season, here are some handy tips to avoid destroying everything you love about my home.

The Audacity Of Becoming "Amma"

Jayalalithaa was a fair-skinned Brahmin in a party that thrived on Dravidian anti-class rhetoric; a glamorous actor who wasn't taken seriously; above all, she was an unmarried, childless woman trying to ascend to power in 1980s Tamil Nadu. And she won against all odds.

No Country For Brown Women

When I left India for America fourteen months ago, I'd assumed that freedom and safety would be part of the package. On November 9th, I learned that I'd been wrong — when you're not safe in your homeland, you're not safe anywhere.

How "3 Idiots" Destroyed Ladakh

A new Indian middle class, thirsting to travel, now has the means. As they flock to their favourite big screen backdrops, Ladakh's fragile ecosystem bears the brunt of Bollywood tourism.

Why My Brother Became An Internet Troll

My younger brother has been a troll for as long as I can remember – I was his first victim, but now so are strangers on the internet. I asked him why it makes him so happy.

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