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Did The Mandela Effect Get The Best Of You In These Disney Movies?

It's pretty trippy!

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First answer the polls below honestly, then keep scrolling to see what actually happened in each of these Disney films!

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OK, since you ~totally~ aren't cheating and you finished taking the quiz (RIGHT?), scroll down to see what actually happened in the movies above!

First of all, the Evil Queen says, "Magic mirror on the wall," not "Mirror, mirror on the wall," in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Second, Baloo does NOT wear a coconut bra during "I Wanna Be Like You" in The Jungle Book. I'm kind of an expert when it comes to drawing animated coconut bras on Disney characters.

Third, the Tweedles have flags! Once again, the propellors are some handy Photoshopping by yours truly. The propellors look so correct, though, don't they?

In the fourth question, the dwarfs sing, "It's home from work we go." in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. SO WEIRD.

Moving on, in number five, you can't see Cinderella's ears in the movie. TBH, I don't think Disney princesses had ears until the '80s.

For Question #6, The Big Bad Wolf tells the three little pigs that he'll blow their houses in. Look, if you have a Disney+ subscription, listen for yourself.

In the seventh question, Arthur pulls the sword out of the anvil, not the stone. I know, I know. Why isn't it called The Sword in the Anvil? If you find an answer, please tell me.

In Question #8, Cruella wears a plain fur coat without spots. I'm gonna be honest with you though, I like the spots better. Don't tell Cruella I said that.

For the last two, the Disney castle is asymmetrical, which, I don't know about you, but it feels off after seeing what it would look like if it was symmetrical.

And Tinker Bell does not make an appearance in that title card. I feel like I can exactly picture what it looked like when she flew into it, but that's the Mandela effect for you!

Got any other Disney Mandela effects, or anything you felt like you misremembered? Drop it in the comments below and I'll get to the bottom of it!

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