These Grandparents In Halloween Costumes Are 0% Trick And 100% Treat

    Who knew grandparents were so good at Halloween?

    1. This grandpa whose Stinky Pete costume is 💯:

    2. These grandparents who seriously delivered:

    3. These grandparents who look more dapper than Minnie and Mickey themselves.

    4. This grandma who rightfully won an award for her costume:

    5. This grandpa who reminds us that adventure is out there:

    6. This grandma who is cooler than I will ever be:

    7. This grandpa who is a "one night stand" (*slaps knee*):

    8. This GREAT grandma who wants a taste of that inflatable Halloween costume trend:

    9. This grandpa who we can all enjoy:

    10. This grandma who is a literal superhero:

    11. This precious grandmother who is practically perfect in every way:

    12. This grandma who's got those Star Trek vibes:

    13. These grandparents who are the cutest bingo dotters on the planet:

    14. This grandpa-banana who we truly do need to protect at all costs:

    15. This grandpa, *ahem*, dinosaur, who can seriously rock that Jurassic Park costume:

    16. These BFFs who aren't afraid of no ghosts:

    17. This grandpa who's here for the laughs:

    18. This grandpa whose Cat in the Hat costume makes me want to rhyme:

    19. This grandma who will grant your wishes and get you to the ball on time:

    20. This grandpa who is high-larious:

    21. This grandpa who would beat the Flash with his cuteness powers:

    22. And finally, this grandma who's really trying to make a statement with her costume: