19 Breastfeeding Stories That Prove Nursing Ain't Easy, But It Sure Is Hilarious

    "I worked at a vet's office when I had my baby, and whenever a puppy cried, I'd let down."

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the funniest or most awkward thing that's ever happened to them while breastfeeding, and the responses will make you seriously laugh out loud:

    1. "I had just worked an 8-hour shift having forgotten both my pump and my nursing pads. So I was extremely engorged when — of course — I got pulled over by a cop. Well, whenever I'm nervous, I let down. So when the cop asked me for my license and registration, my boobs started to let down everywhere!"

    2. "I accidentally pulled out a breast pad instead of my debit card once. Plopped it right on the counter before I realized what it was. I no longer keep my cards in my bra."

    3. "I was working at a veterinarian's office when I had my first two babies. Every time I heard a puppy cry, my milk would let down."

    4. "I was car shopping with my husband and it had been a while since I'd nursed my 4-month-old baby, so I was uncomfortable and really needed to pump. I asked the young sales guy if there was a private pump room, and without even a hint of embarrassment, he suggested that I use the bathroom. I did, and afterwards the sales guy perkily said, 'You know, you could have pumped out here.' I responded that I wasn't comfortable doing it in the middle of a busy car dealership, and he frowned and said, 'We're asthma friendly!'"

    5. "I accidentally squirted my husband in the face with milk while having sex."

    6. "I was staying at an Airbnb that was someone's guesthouse, and I breastfed my daughter, put her to sleep, then stood out on the porch just enjoying the night air...not realizing that my tit was hanging out of my shirt the entire time."

    7. "Once when my daughter was about six-months-old, my husband was laying on the bed without a shirt on when my daughter launched herself at him and bit his nipple! I laughed hysterically and told him he got off easy!"

    8. "I was pumping one day when my armpits started feeling really wet. I thought I was profusely sweating, but then I looked down to see MILK coming out of them in FULL FORCE! I thought that maybe if I pumped my armpit, it would stop. Turns out that made it even worse! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. And that's how I found out I have milk ducts in my armpits. So I put some ice on them and the leaking eventually went away...but the nickname 'pit tit' will stay with me forever."

    9. "One of my girlfriends came to town, and we decided to order takeout for dinner. Well, I breastfed my baby at the table while we ate. But my boobs were so engorged that when my baby lost his latch, my breast milk shot clear across the table, completely spraying my friend's food!"

    10. "I was recovering from a C-section and suffering from terrible postpartum depression, so I decided to switch to formula to save me the added pain and stress of breastfeeding. Well, my doctor told me to use to cabbage leaves to stop my milk production but the engorgement was still so very painful. So there I was one day, standing over the sink, hormonal, sobbing in pain, and holding smelly cabbage leaves on my boobs when my husband entered the room and said, 'You look like The Little Mermaid.'"

    11. "I was eating while nursing once, and I dropped a huge glob of ketchup onto my daughter's eye (it was closed). I had to lick it off."

    12. "My husband and I took our baby to Disney World, and we met Cinderella. Well, when we handed our daughter over to her to take a picture of them together, she tried to nurse FROM CINDERELLA'S BOOB! Luckily Cinderella took it in stride and simply said, 'You must be hungry like Gus Gus!'"

    13. "One night I was feeding my daughter when I felt a sharp pain and a rumbling in my stomach. So I ran to the toilet and proceeded to TOTALLY SHIT MY BRAINS OUT...with my baby still attached to my breast."

    14. "Once my daughter saw another baby feeding from a bottle in public, so she came over to me, squeezed my boobs, and nodded in satisfaction. Embarrassed, I explained to the other mom, 'She was making sure it wasn't her milk in that bottle.'"

    15. "I have pierced nipples, so whenever I breastfed, milk came spraying out of THREE DIFFERENT HOLES! It was like a milk explosion, and my kids LOVED it!"

    16. "I was nursing my daughter on the couch in the dark. After she fell asleep, I laid her on my chest, and felt that my shirt was soaked. I figured I'd leaked some breast milk, so I just continued to watch Netflix. It wasn't until I got up to put my daughter in her bed that I turned on the light to see that there was actually baby poop all over my shirt!"

    17. "I used to chase my husband around squirting him with my breast milk. He hated it, but hey — I had to keep the romance alive somehow!"

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    Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.