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16 Ways Being Home For The Holiday Turns You Into A Child

Thanks, mom and dad! Also, sorry, mom and dad.

1. You suddenly forget how to provide food for yourself.

2. Or how to eat well.

3. Or how to clean up after yourself when you're done eating.

4. You and your siblings immediately revert back to old power dynamics.

5. You rely on your parents for rides everywhere.

6. And they still want to know where you're going, who you're seeing, and when you'll be back.

7. Drinking booze in the house still feels rebellious, so you feel like you need to be sneaky about it.

8. You sleep in your old twin bed, under your Teen Beat cutouts and posters.

9. You live in your PJs, which ideally are festive onesies.

10. And you drink out of these like it's no big deal.

11. You're back to explaining to your mom what you're doing online at 3am.

12. And forget about doing your own laundry.

13. You get sucked into your old video game consoles.

14. Nothing in the world seems more exciting than decorating the Christmas tree...

15. ...or opening up the presents underneath it.

16. And for a few days (or weeks) all of your adulthood stresses are tossed aside.

Happy holidays!